Chapter 22- Arriving at the Island

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(A.N- Slight time skips/jumps in this one :D)

Alberto woke up to the sound of his alarm like usual. Today was the day that he would confess his feelings to Luca. Unlike some previous nights, Alberto actually slept quite well, especially because of the support from Massimo the previous night. Alberto woke up feeling happy and ready for the day.

As he got ready, he went over today's routine in his head. I've got to fish with papà, then I'll practice for the race with Giulia, and then I'll meet Luca at our island at eight.

Alberto winced at the thought of fishing with Massimo. Although he had done it every day for a long time, he hoped today wouldn't be too awkward. After all, he had came out to Massimo last night, and although Massimo was fully accepting, Alberto had a fear that today would be awkward.

As always, Alberto put on his fishing gear, and headed downstairs to start his morning work with Massimo, who was waiting at the table for Alberto.

"Good morning Alberto, did you sleep well?" Massimo asked.

"Y-yeah.." Alberto replied hesitantly. Massimo could always tell when there was something wrong, so he walked over and held Alberto's hand.

"Nothing is different, Alberto. I still love you the same, figlio."

Alberto felt relieved as a lot of the weight on his shoulders came off. He felt the tension in the room ease as he put his shoes on and headed out the front door with Massimo.

While Alberto was fishing with Massimo, Luca decided to go hang out with Giulia until Alberto was done with work. Then, he would watch Giulia and Alberto practice for the race. Giulia told Luca he could be their "moral support" which Luca found kind of stupid, but he agreed anyway. Besides, just because he couldn't practice with them doesn't mean he can't watch them, right?

Luca took a quick shower and got dressed, saying goodbye to his family. As soon as Luca walked out the front door, he realized he had forgotten the flower that was for Alberto, so he frantically ran back inside and grabbed it before heading out once more. Luca's curiosity took over his mind as soon as he neared Giulia's house. He wondered what in the world Alberto's surprise was going to be later today.

Arriving at the house, Luca knocked on the door, to which Giulia answered instantly.

"Luca! Glad you could make it, ragazzi," Giulia said happily as she welcomed him in. Luca sat down with the flower still in his hands.

Giulia poured both of them some espresso before noticing the flower, "Is that the flower for Alberto, lover boy?" Giulia asked smiling. She started to make kissing noises, causing Luca to blush.

"Giulia, stop! We aren't.."

Giulia groaned loudly, "Luca.. Why don't you just admit it!"

"A-admit what?" Luca asked defensively.

Giulia groaned again, "Admit that you love him. You love Alberto, it's pretty obvious!"

This time, Luca didn't say anything back in defense. Instead, he just stood back at Giulia angrily. She smiled and took a sip of her espresso.

"I know that I won't get you to admit it.." Giulia said. "I'm sure you'll be able to tonight.."

Giulia realized she had said to much and pretended to laugh, hoping that Luca would find it as a joke. Unintentionally, she had possibly spoiled Alberto's plan. Luca isn't supposed to find out! What have I done?!

"What? What do you mean?" Luca questioned.

"Never mind," Giulia responded quickly. "Just forget about it. What I'm saying is... you don't have to keep lying to yourself, ragazzi."

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