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A month had passed since the underdogs left Portorosso. It was around the middle of September, where it was still slightly warm out. The wind was starting to get a bit cooler, and some of the leaves on the trees were starting to change color.

Massimo quietly woke up, standing up from his bed and walking into the kitchen. He poured himself a cup of espresso and took a sip as he stared out of his window. It still felt weird, almost unnatural, without Alberto around. Of course, Massimo had been used to living alone for quite a while. Giulia had been leaving every summer for a while before Luca and Alberto had shown up, so Massimo had already gone through the long months of fall, winter, and spring with nobody else besides Machiavelli. Even with that in mind, though, something still felt off. The energy Alberto would bring into the room was no longer there, and Massimo fully admitted that he missed his son. In the end, he had learnt to cope with leaving Giulia each year, so he knew he could learn to cope with this.

Massimo finished drinking his espresso, quietly humming to Bravo Figaro as he did the dishes. It was the same routine every morning, just without Alberto.

In the middle of the morning chores, Massimo stopped what he was doing and walked outside to the mailbox. He would always check to see if any letters had arrived from Genova. After all, Alberto had promised to write letters once he got the hang of everything, so Massimo was prepared to receive one anytime now.

Opening the mailbox, Massimo was delighted to see a white envelope at the back. He eagerly grabbed it, and noticed a large 'ALBERTO' written on the front with a black crayon. Massimo chuckled to himself and walked back inside to read the letter.

Dear Massimo,

Hi! It's me, Alberto. I guess this is my first letter, so don't make fun of me if I say anything that's stupido, okay? I'm sure it'll be okay tho, Luca is watching to make sure all of my spelling and grammar is right. He's already had to correct 3 things, why does spelling have to be so hard?

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to check in with you and see how things are going. You told me to tell you how I was too, and to be honest, life in Genova is awesome! I thought Portorosso was big, but wow! Genova is so big, it's like a billion times bigger than Portorosso! Have you ever been there? Well, I guess you haven't, but you should! Maybe you can visit during Christmas break. Luca said that's some kind of holiday, I guess a lot of people celebrate it? I don't really get it, but it sounds fun.

I'm going off topic, but it's just fun to tell you about all these things. At school, I don't have many classes with Luca or Giulia. They're way ahead of me in their classes, but I don't really mind. Some of them are kind of boring, but I don't hate all of it I guess. I mean, gym is really fun! I did so well in dodgeball that they had to send me to the bleachers! Can you believe that? Luca said I was cheating because I covered myself in water before we played so I would be in my sea monster form. But hey, that's not cheating, right? I'm just "using my resources" like Giulia said. (Luca is kind of— I mean REALLY concerned about following the rules. Don't tell him I said that or he'll get embarrassed. Actually maybe tell him, he's kind of cute when he gets flustered.)

Oh, but math, that class can go jump into the bottom of the ocean! No wonder Giulia failed geometry, it stinks! I know for a fact I'm never gonna use any of that stuff ever again. I mean, when I'm fishing with you, why would I ever need to know how to solve for the area of a square? (Oh and Luca had to tell me what that was again because I always forget, and I also don't really care about it either).

Me, Luca, and Giulia have our own little table in the caffeteria. We always eat the school lunch together, but it's never as good as your cooking! Sometimes Giulia's mom sends us food, but most of the time we just eat whatever is at school. Usually it's pretty bad though..

Maybe I should stop talking about myself so much, but that's what you wanted me to do, so I'll keep going! Luca asked me to this thing called prom. I'm not really sure exactly what it's supposed to be, but Luca said it's something really fun. Apparently there's dancing involved, so I'm definitely in! Giulia's mom took us shopping a few days ago to get some new clothes, and Luca made sure to pick something out for prom. It's this nice gray suit, I think you'd really like it. I don't really want to wear it to be honest, but I'll wear it since Luca really wants me to.

Phew! I think that's it from me at least. You should write back and tell me how you are doing. I'm sure fishing isn't going as well because I'm not around to give you my amazing help (don't worry I'm JK! I heard someone say at school that meant just kidding, how cool!).  I hope Ercole isn't bullying people again, but he seemed to learn a lot when he said goodbye, so we aren't that worried. Also tell Cicco, Guido, Officer Benedetti, Luca's family, and Machiavelli that I said hi! I wish I could send them letters too.

I promise this is the last thing! Giulia says hi and that she misses you and Machiavelli a lot. She said she's "too busy" to write her own letter, so she has to mooch off of mine. I don't know why she just can't write her own, but whatever. Giulia can sometimes get grumpy when she's really busy but she always protects me and Luca at school, so I owe her one. Actually I don't think there are much bullies here anyway, most kids were just excited to see another sea monster come! Luca says hi and wants to know if you can send any Trenette al Pesto through the mail. Giulia laughed so hard when he said that, and I did too. We don't think that's possible (but if it is please send us some!!) Luca also says he really misses his parents and grandma, and wants to know if you guys are getting along okay. I'm sure you are, because last year we went over to their house under the sea all the time! Well at least now you can visit them easier since they live on land!

I miss you so much papà, and I can't wait until I see you again. Please please please write back, ti amo!



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