Chapter 26- A Change of Heart

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Alberto watched as Luca boarded the train along with Giulia. He felt tears dripping down his face as he watched the love of his life leave him. He couldn't accept the fact that he was going to lose Luca again.

"Luca wait!" Alberto yelled. The train started to head out of the station slowly, getting farther and farther away by the second. Alberto broke into a sprint and ran after the train, but he was too slow. Luca was gone. He couldn't reach Luca in time.

He was too late.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door, waking Alberto up instantly. He was sweating heavily and felt his chest moving up and down quickly. Alberto frantically looked around the room, realizing he wasn't actually at the train station. It was still a week before Luca would leave him again.

It's just a dream Alberto, calm down.

Alberto hurriedly got out of his bed and zipped up his shorts. He scurried over to the door and opened it, only to see Massimo standing there.

"Papà I'm so sorry!" Alberto apologized. "I slept in too late- I shouldn't have- I mean.."

Massimo laughed, "No no, don't worry Alberto. That's exactly what I came here to tell you. How about you take a break from our work for a few days? You deserve it."

Alberto wanted to graciously accept the offer, but felt bad for leaving Massimo to do all the hard work.

"But... I always help you. How will you-"

Massimo interrupted him, "Don't worry, Alberto. I did this by myself everyday before you got here haha. I will be fine, figlio. Go enjoy your day."

Alberto smiled and hugged Massimo, before heading downstairs to quickly drink a cup of espresso before he went to see Luca. Alberto couldn't contain his excitement as he raced down the stairs, skipping many of the steps in the process. He almost ran right into Giulia, who was already standing at the counter.

"Woah woah! Slow down!" Giulia yelled.

Alberto slid across the floor and almost crashed into the espresso maker on the counter. "Oops.. sorry hehe."

Giulia shook her head, "Santa mozzarella, Al. What's the hurry?"

Alberto laughed, "Oh, you know, just gotta.."

Giulia laughed and realized exactly what he was trying to say. "Wait- don't answer that. I already know!"

Alberto sighed, "Of course you do."

Giulia formed a heart with her hands. "Hey, I'm just so happy for you two! Just.... don't act so stupid in front of him this time!"

Alberto laughed and took a sip of his espresso. "What, me? I never act stupid!"

Giulia rolled her eyes, "Says you.."

"Alright alright, fine. I'll try and act less stupid, I guess."

"Good!" Giulia said with a smile.

Alberto finished drinking his espresso and set the cup in the sink. "Oh, and I was planning on taking Luca to go get some gelato. You can come with if you want."

Giulia contemplated for a moment. "Sure! But after that, I'll leave you guys so you can have some alone time with Luca."

The way Giulia said "alone time" made Alberto shudder. "Giulia ew! Don't say it like...."

Giulia laughed, "Like what?"

"Like that!"

"Oh shut up, Al," Giulia joked. "Besides, it wouldn't hurt you two if I wasn't around this time."

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