Chapter 27- The Truth

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Luca anxiously walked towards his house, but stopped after he reached the front door. He hesitated to knock, trying to calm himself down. Luca couldn't keep his heart from racing. He was going to tell his parents about everything, remembering how his grandma already knew. The night they went to the island, Luca accidentally spilled the beans to his grandma. He was so tired that night that he didn't even remember; he only knew because Alberto told him.

You can do this, Luca.

Just relax.

Taking a deep breath, Luca slowly reached out his hand and knocked three times on the door.

Wait, I can't do this!

Luca tried to run away, but it was too late to do so. The door opened and Luca's grandma stood there, welcoming him in with a smile.

"Luca! Come on in, your mom and dad just left but they'll be back soon," she said.

Luca was still nervous, his voice obviously showing it. "O-okay, thanks grandma.."

Both Luca and his grandma sat down at the counter, while she poured him a tall glass of milk.

"So, what'd you do today?" she questioned.

Luca remembered getting the Vespa from Ercole but decided not to tell her that. "Oh- nothing really. Kind of a boring day.."

Luca's grandma laughed, "Boring? I haven't heard that one before.."

"Yeah haha... nothing really happened.."

Luca fidgeted with his fingers nervously as he stared at the floor. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly snapped back and tried to keep himself cool.

"So... where are mom and dad?" Luca asked, desperate to keep up a conversation.

"Not sure, just some errands I bet..." she said. "So- how's Alberto?"

Luca choked on his milk and started to cough repeatedly. He gave a thumbs up to let his his grandma know he was okay.

"He's.. fine! Yeah- he's fine," Luca said nervously.

Luca's grandma laughed, "Yeah- I'm sure he is."

Luca sat there awkwardly, not saying anything for a long time. He knew he had to say something eventually, otherwise, why else was he even there?

"Ummm.. grandma?"

"What's up, bubble?"

There was a long silence before Luca talked again.

Luca gulped, "Well- I was just wondering.."


"Is it okay to... have a boyfriend?"

Luca was expecting his grandma to react negatively, but surprisingly, she didn't seem to react at all. She was silent for a moment before breaking the silence once more:

"Of course, Luca," she replied gently. "Like I said last year, you seem to know how to find the good ones. Alberto is definitely one of those good ones!"

She looked over and smiled at Luca.

"But, I mean- I never said it was Alberto.."

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