Chapter 9- Awkward Situation

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Alberto and Luca arrived at the house, while Giulia and Massimo were getting Alberto's cake ready. Massimo noticed them arriving at the front door, "Oh, boys, you're just in time. Giulietta has been getting the cake ready."

Alberto noticed Luca whisper a soft "yay." He blushed soft enough for nobody to notice."

"How about you two go up to Alberto's room while we finish up," Massimo said softly.

Alberto nodded and grabbed Luca's arm, pulling him towards the stairs. "Cmon Luca!" he yelled.

Luca followed Alberto up to his room. While Luca remembered Giulia's room being at least somewhat clean and organized, Alberto's room was not quite as nice. It wasn't dirty, but you could definitely call it messy. Their were miscellaneous things scattered over the floor, from books and clothes to picture frames and pieces of paper.

Alberto noticed Luca looking at the mess, "Oh yeah, don't worry. I clean this room.... sometimes."

Luca laughed but Alberto noticed he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I'll start cleaning it now that you're here Luca," Alberto smiled. "Don't worry."

"Hah, thanks Alberto. I can help you, too!" Luca said.

Alberto shook his head, "No, no, it's my room. It's your first day here after being gone for a year, I won't make you clean my room haha."

Luca laughed back and looked at Alberto's green eyes again. There was something about the boy's eyes that Luca couldn't stop staring at. He kept himself from getting too distracted and started unpacking his suitcase, neatly arranging his things on the other side of the room.

"Hey- Luca. You can take as much room as you need. Anything I have is yours," Alberto smiled at Luca.

"Thanks Al, I guess I could move over some of my clo-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Luca tripped over one of the books on the floor and landed on top of Alberto, causing both of them to tumble to the floor. Luca was now on top of Alberto, his head resting on Alberto's chest.

Both boys stared at each other before quickly standing up. Alberto was blushing uncontrollably.

"O- oh Alberto! I'm so so sorry! I didn't- mean to- I mean.." Luca stuttered.

"Um, it's ok Luca.. I-" Alberto stammered, still blushing.

"I-I'm gonna go downstairs.... and see if they need any help," Alberto managed to spit out. He quickly turned around and headed towards the door. Stupido, Stupido! Alberto was so embarrassed, he really just wanted to get out of  there. He acted so stupid in front of Luca, why couldn't he just have acted normal?

Luca thought about following Alberto but instead just responded with a simple "Ok" before sitting on the floor. He wasn't sure how to respond to what had just happened. For some reason, he was blushing slightly. Luca felt ashamed and stood back up as he fixed his hair. It's gonna be okay, Luca thought. He opened the door and headed downstairs.


Thank you so much for the reads! I know it's not much, but it does mean a lot to me! Thanks for reading what I have so far, there are gonna be a ton more chapters to come!


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