Chapter 21- A Talk With Massimo

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It was 10:30 at night, and it seemed like everyone was already asleep.

Everyone except Alberto.

While Luca was fast asleep at his house, Alberto anxiously sat at the table exactly how Giulia had left him when she went upstairs to go to bed. Alberto hadn't really moved; he was so occupied on so many different things. While Alberto was definitely thinking about Luca, there was something else on his mind. Something important.

Alberto heard a set of loud footsteps enter the kitchen behind him. He turned around to see Massimo who looked a lot more awake then Alberto did.

"Alberto? What are you doing up so late?" Massimo asked softly.

"Oh, about that.." Alberto said nervously.

Massimo sensed the tension in Alberto's voice and sat down at the table next to him. "Is everything alright?"

Alberto stared at the table and struggled to keep his breathing at a normal pace. His heart was beating faster and faster, and he stared to feel his eyes fill with tears. Alberto managed to hold them back in front of Massimo as he tried to compose himself.

Alberto remembered when he had first fallen for Luca; the first time that he didn't see Luca as just a friend. Although he had told Giulia, he had never told Massimo. Alberto felt more comfortable telling Giulia, as he felt that she would accept him no matter what. However, he also thought that Massimo would be just as accepting. If that was the case, then why was Alberto so afraid to tell Massimo about his feelings towards Luca?

When Alberto was younger, his father saw him as a disappointment. He was never proud of Alberto, he never said "I love you Alberto." Alberto had always associated his father with those feelings of disappointment and shame. Even though he knew Massimo was the complete opposite, he couldn't help but worry that Massimo would feel the same way. The thought of losing another father terrified Alberto; he couldn't bare to lose Massimo, not after all that he had done.

"I'm fine, papà," Alberto said shyly. "There's.. something I wanted to talk to you about.."

Massimo raised his eyebrow and nodded his head in return. "Of course, what is it?"

Alberto tried to spit out the words he wanted to say, but nothing came out. All he could think about were his father's words.

"You're such a disappointment, Alberto!"

"You'll never be good enough!"

"You're a monster! A MONSTER!"

Alberto was frozen in fear; fearing that Massimo would say the same thing. Alberto couldn't hold in his emotions any longer, and felt tears running down his face as he collapsed onto the table.

Massimo reacted immediately and comforted Alberto. "Figlio, what's wrong? Please, tell me."

Alberto tried desperately not to appear weak in front of Massimo, but it was really no use. He lifted his head up from the table and tried to speak.

"I..." Alberto said in between sobs.

Massimo grabbed Alberto by the shoulders and hugged him gently. Alberto cried into Massimo's shirt, still trying to at least say a complete sentence.

"Alberto, please, tell me. I promise, I will listen," Massimo said gently.

Alberto wiped the tears off of his face and composed himself. He had cried a lot more then he ever had the past few weeks; it made Alberto feel ashamed.

Alberto took in a deep breath and straightened himself on the chair. "Papà, I'm gay."

Massimo sat there emotionless, and looked over at Alberto, who looked like a complete mess. The boy took in another sniffled breath before continuing to speak.

"And- I.." Alberto said. "I love Luca. I love him so much. He- he means everything to me. And- if that means that I'm a disappointment or a monster.. then I'm sorry, but.."

Alberto stopped talking suddenly and looked down at his feet. He sat in silence, hoping that Massimo would at least say something. After a while, Massimo reached over and grabbed Alberto's hand. He squeezed it tightly before grabbed a tissue and using it to wipe off Alberto's face.

"Oh, figlio, please- don't be sorry.." Massimo said as he hugged Alberto. "You know, there's nothing to be sorry about. I'm so sorry you were so worried and nervous about that. I wish you would've told me earlier."

Alberto felt more relieved then he ever had. He had never felt the feeling of acceptance from his father when he was younger, so he didn't know how it felt like. All he knew was that it was an amazing feeling.

"I will love you no matter what, Alberto. Never forget that."

"I love you too, papà," Alberto said back.

Massimo gently held Alberto's hand and stood up from his chair. "Now, how about let's go to bed. It's late."

Alberto agreed and headed towards the stairs. He walked up the first few steps before stopping in his tracks.

"Thank you for telling me, Alberto. I'm always here for you," Massimo said warmly. "Have a good sleep."

Alberto smiled to himself and walked upstairs to his room. For the first time in his life, he finally had a father that he had always dreamed of having:

A father who accepted and loved him


Hi all! I'm sorry this got posted later than usual. I went back to school today so I'm a lot busier now! Chapters will still be posted daily, including the one tomorrow, and I will try my very best to keep that up. The next two chapters are what you've all been waiting for! Stay tuned, and stay awesome!


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