Chapter 25- Daddy Issues

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Alberto stood their, infuriated at the sight of his father. After all he'd done to Alberto, why was had he even decided to return?

Massimo looked confused. "Alberto? Do you know this man?"

Alberto was breathing heavily, trying to form words, but he couldn't say anything. He had never felt so angry before. "GET OUT!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Alberto lunged towards his father, not wanting anything to do with the man. Massimo stepped in and grabbed Alberto by the collar. Alberto was in a blind fit of rage as he swung his arms around in the air, desperately trying to reach his father.

"Let GO of me!" Alberto screamed.

Massimo pulled Alberto away and held him in his arm, effectively preventing him from moving around.

"Alberto.. what has gotten into you?" Massimo asked in a concerned tone. "You have no reason to attack this random man."

Giulia, who was observing them from the stairs the entire time, stepped forward and tugged on Massimo's sleeve. "That's.. not a random person Papà that's..."

Alberto's father stepped forward, "Alright, cut it out! I'm just here to see my boy.."

Massimo looked at the man standing in front of him, then looked back at Alberto, who was barely keeping himself together.

"Alberto- this is your father?" Massimo asked slowly.

Alberto looked down at the floor and nodded, his face red with anger. Alberto had only ever told Luca and Giulia about what his father was truly like. Sure, Massimo knew that the man had abandoned Alberto, but he didn't know exactly why.

Massimo was silent, trying to comprehend the mess he was in. He looked over at Alberto's father and talked in a gruff tone, "Signore, I think you should leave."

Alberto's father shook his head repeatedly, "No- no no. I just want to see my boy, I haven't seen him in years. You're gonna deny me that, huh?"

Massimo didn't back down, "I said.. I think you should leave, Signore."

"Alright alright, first off, the name's Bruno. None of that Signore crap," he snapped back. "Second, I'm here to see my boy. I saw him walk over here with some boy."

Alberto was shocked. "So... you were following us the whole time? Seriously?"

Bruno grunted, "I'm your dad, Alberto. I can do whatever the hell I want!"

Alberto scrunched his nose up in frustration, "I don't wanna see you.."

"Well too bad! I'm here to take you back home, where you belong. With me, eh? Just like old times," Bruno smiled as he grabbed Alberto's arm.

Alberto quickly pulled away, "I don't wanna go ANYWHERE with you!" Alberto resented seeing his father. Not only has he abandoned him all of a sudden one day, leaving Alberto alone, but he also treated him horribly for a long, long time.

"You're a MONSTER Alberto!"

"You'll never be good enough!"

After his dad had left, Alberto had learned to shut his dad up; he learned to shut the voice up that was always in the back of his head. That's where Alberto had started to say 'Silenzio Bruno.' In fact, he still told himself that regularly.

Bruno scoffed, "Alberto, stop being such a baby. This isn't even your home."

Alberto was furious; he felt like his head was going to explode. Not ever again did Alberto want to hide in the shadows. He needed to finally stand up to his father.

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