Chapter 10- Cake and Confessions

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Luca was still confused about what had just happened. All he did was trip and fall on Alberto, causing the two to be laying on top of each other for a few seconds. It wasn't that big of a deal? So why did I like it so much? Luca thought. Something about laying against Alberto made him feel so comfortable and safe, even though it was an accident and only lasted for a few seconds. This is what friends do, Luca told himself. But to be honest..

He wasn't very confident that was right.

"Luca!" he heard Giulia call out. She quickly opened the door, and saw Luca, who was still sitting on the floor. He quickly stood up and put on a fake smile.

"Come on, ragazzi. It's time for the cake!" She said

Knowing that it would make him feel better, Luca smiled and went downstairs with Giulia, noticing that Alberto was already at the table with Massimo, along with the cake tray in the middle of the table.

Luca couldn't say a word to Alberto as he sat down at the table. Alberto looked over at Luca and smiled, but Luca was just looking down at the floor, fidgeting with his fingers. You made it all weird, Alberto! Why'd you have to be so awkward, Stupido!

Massimo started handing everyone a slice of cake and took notice of the out of place silence.

"You three are more quiet than usual, even you, Giulietta," Massimo pointed out.

Giulia looked up at her dad. Massimo realized she had a mouth stuffed full of cake and was eating generous heapings of the cake. "Sorry papà, I didn't want to talk with my mouth full."

Giulia gave a sweet smile. "Oh, and I should probably eat slower and more... appropriately!"

Massimo raised an eyebrow. Since when did Giulia care about table manners? In reality, Giulia wanted to act as nice as possible in hopes that Massimo would give them the entry fee for the Portorosso cup this year. Last year, the underdogs had won; this year, Giulia wanted to continue the tradition, giving them another victory. Massimo, of course, had already assumed that by now. He didn't say anything, though, because he might as well let Giulia behave even more. In the end, however, Massimo was thinking of giving them the money anyway. After all, his fishing had gone nicely, giving him more than enough money to make it possible. Also, he thought it would be a nice gift to welcome Giulia and Luca back.

Luca took the first bite of the Tiramisu cake that Alberto had made and instantly, flavors burst into his mouth. Luca was surprised, Alberto had really made an awesome cake. He would even compare it to Massimo's cooking. From the wooden carving Alberto had given him earlier to the cake, Luca was thankful that Alberto was so interested in making the first day back special.

Luca finally spoke to Alberto for the first time at the table. "Al, this is really good! Like, really good!"

Alberto had a proud smile on his face. "Oh, thanks Luca."

Alberto still was flustered from how he had reacted earlier. He still was embarrassed, but he was now able to talk normally at least. Alberto had no idea that Luca had felt the same way as he did.

The four didn't talk to each other much, because they were so busy eating their cake. Luca was right; Alberto had done an excellent job. Everyone had a second piece, while Alberto unsurprisingly had three pieces. He would have even had a fourth if Massimo hadn't stopped him.

"Alberto, please figlio. I think you've had enough, save room for dinner," Massimo said.

Alberto grunted "fine" and set down his fork, as did everyone else.

"Well, I'm so glad to have you all back," Massimo said while looking at the three. "I'm sure Alberto has plenty of things in mind to do with you."

Alberto wanted to do so much with his friends, especially Luca. He wanted to do all the things they had done last year, and so much more. Maybe even entering the race again would be a possibility.

"Luca, you're welcome to stay. We have an extra mattress you could always set up in Alberto's room," Massimo exclaimed.

Luca gave a quick glance at Alberto. He nodded and smiled at the idea, "Really? I mean, yeah! You should do that Luca."

"I don't know..." Luca hesitantly said. "My parents might get mad at me if I stay over."

"You could always go over and ask them if you're worried," Massimo suggested.

"Oh, yeah. I can go do that right now actually," Luca said. He picked up his plate and fork and set them in the sink before heading towards the front door. "Ok, see you guys soon."

The front door slammed and Alberto instantly looked over at Giulia. She gave him a "what?" look, but Alberto didn't say anything back. He had something he wanted to say to Giulia, but didn't think it was a very good idea to say it in front of Massimo.

"Ah, I better go clean our dishes," the man said as he picked up all of the plates. "Giulietta, you and Alberto can do whatever you'd like in the meantime."

Alberto felt relieved, but also terrified at the same time. "Giulia, can we go to your room for a sec?"

Giulia was puzzled at first but smiled and nodded, "Yeah, sure."

The two headed upstairs. Alberto's heart was pounding out of his chest. He has finally decided that he was going to tell someone how he felt about Luca. He couldn't keep it inside of him any longer; he thought he could trust Giulia enough with this secret. No way could I tell Luca. He could hate me, or worse!

Alberto remembered when he first had a crush on Luca. He remembered the night that Luca and Alberto had won the Portorosso cup, allowing Alberto to buy their dream Vespa. Of course, Alberto ended up selling it to pay for Luca's train ticket. Regardless, it was one of the best days of that summer. Alberto remembered watching Luca have fun, laughing and running around in Massimo's backyard. He reflected on all they had done together, all of the time they had spent together. This was the first moment when Alberto thought that maybe Luca was more than a friend to him. That maybe...

He loved Luca.

Alberto started to breath faster but kept himself together in front of Giulia. They opened the door to her room and sat on the bed, closing the door in the process.

"So Alberto, what did you want?" Giulia asked.

"Umm, you see..." Alberto stopped.

Giulia sat there, expecting another response. She waited patiently for Alberto to continue.

Alberto took a deep breath and opened his mouth, "Okay, Giulia, look... There's something I've been meaning to tell someone for a while..."

"Something that's important."

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