Chapter 34- A New Normal

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Everything was different now.

As Alberto sat anxiously in the lobby of the police station, with Luca by his side, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Like he had done something wrong. He knew deep down that he hadn't, but his mind constantly repeated the events of the late afternoon. It was now around 9:30, and the sun was setting in the sky to a point where it was almost dark, but not yet.  Alberto and Luca, along with the rest of the town, were the victims. Even Ercole, who was usually the perpetrator of any mischief in Portorosso, was a victim as well. Bruno was 100% at fault; he had stalked Alberto and followed him home, stolen his Vespa, and stolen many other possessions from innocent citizens. There was nothing that could change that fact; Bruno was guilty, and Alberto was the victim.

So then why did he still feel so weird?

Alberto rested his head in his hands, staring at the floor. The police station was filled with much more commotion than usual. The plaza was gathered with people just like usual, but it felt a lot different. The air was tense, and everyone was much quieter and less lively. Some were also running in and out of the station, especially the officers. Occasionally, one of them would stop to talk to Luca and Alberto, asking something like "How are you guys holding up?" It felt like Alberto had answered that question a million times already. It was nice knowing that so many people cared about him, and he couldn't lie, the sympathy felt nice. But the last thing he wanted was everyone else's pity; he didn't want to seem like a weak kid who couldn't stand up for himself. In everyone else's mind, Bruno had chased them down, tried to capture Alberto, and then fell off a cliff. To be fair, that was what happened in the simplest description possible. If only they knew what actually happened, Alberto thought.

In between the multitude of voices, Luca raised his head in the air, and looked at Alberto. He had already asked the boy a million times, "Are you okay?", and every time, Alberto would reassure Luca that he was fine. However, Luca knew Alberto well enough to know that Alberto was a terrible liar, and that was very obvious in his many responses.

"Alberto.. are you sure you're okay?" Luca asked concerned.

"I'm fine."

"I feel like you aren't being—"

"I said I'm fine!" Alberto said, louder and angrier this time.

Luca was taken back by the sudden change in Alberto's mood, jerking back in his chair.

Alberto sat up a bit more, but still kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.." Alberto admitted quietly.

"Don't worry Al, it's okay," Luca said. "I'm always here for you if you need me."

Alberto looked up from the floor slightly, and Luca noticed a small smile spreading across his face. It wasn't much, but at least Alberto seemed to be showing signs of his usual self again.

"Thanks Luca.."

"Of course," Luca said reassuringly. He reached for Alberto's hand and squeezed it three times, which stood for 'I love you.' If Luca was being honest, it was pretty dorky. But he didn't really care. Alberto smiled again but didn't say anything back.

The set of doors to the station opened once more, and a short, plump officer walked through the doors. Luca recognized the man as Officer Russo, the same officer who had been patrolling the waters during Bruno's rampage. He was also the police officer who had intercepted the message on his walkie talkie to get help for Officer Benedetti. If it hadn't been for him, Benedetti would probably be just like Bruno; dead.

Luca wasn't really paying attention to what the officer was saying. He was too lost in his own thoughts to really make out what Officer Russo was saying into the walkie talkie.

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