Chapter 20- Luca's Flower

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The trio approached the sign up booth for the race, relieved that it was still open. Luca was still disappointed that he wouldn't be able to practice due to his head injury, but at least he would be able to do the actual race in a week. They approached the booth, where Signora Marsigliese was sitting. As she did every year, Marsigliese was in charge of the race, and had crowned the underdogs the victors the previous year. She noticed Giulia walk toward and smiled.

"Ah Giulia, you're just in time. I was about to close the sign up."

Giulia was panting from running to the town square in a hurry. "Phew.. anyways, we're going to all be on the same team this year."

"Ah, very good. I wish the underdogs the best of luck this year!" Signora Marsigliese said as she wrote down all of their names. "The race starts in a week, the prize will.."

Giulia interrupted her, "We already know the rules!"

Signora Marsigliese sighed, "I should have guessed... anyways, you three are entered. Good luck!"

Giulia thanked the woman and walked away, Luca and Alberto following closely behind. Alberto couldn't get his mind off of tomorrow night. You've waited all this time, Alberto. You have to make it special; it's for Luca.

"Alberto?" Luca tapped him on the shoulder.

"AH!" Alberto shouted. "I mean- what's up?"

"You weren't paying attention, you were about to walk right into that wall.. Are you okay?" Luca asked concerned.

Whenever Luca was worried about something, he had a certain concerned look in his eyes. It reminded Alberto of a puppy dog's eyes. So adorable..

"Yeah! I'm fine," Alberto muttered. "Sorry, must've dozed off." He tried to act casual but Alberto knew that he was probably acting like a complete fool in front of Luca.

Luca laughed, "That's okay, Al. Come on, let's make sure you don't walk into another wall!"

Alberto laughed and followed Luca up the hill along with Giulia, who seemed a lot happier and more bubbly then usual.

"Can you guys believe it?" Giulia squealed in excitement. "Us three, the underdogs, finally in a race together! And with no Ercole too! Score!!"

"Yeah! We didn't get to do it together after what happened last..." Luca instantly stopped talking and covered his mouth. He remembered the fight he had with Alberto, which ultimately caused them to split their team up. Even though they still won, it was still something Luca regretted.

Alberto frowned slightly, also remembering the same thing. "Yeah haha... last year.."

"Al, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even brought that up," Luca apologized.

Alberto smiled and shook his head, "It's fine, Lu." He blushed slightly and looked back down at his feet as they continued to walk. It was like you could hear a pin drop; the awkward silence lasted a while before Giulia burst out laughing.

"You two really are bad at hiding it.." Giulia teased.

Luca felt embarrassed. "N-no.."

"Giulia, you better stop doing that.." Alberto said seriously. Giulia loved to joke around with Alberto, and he usually joked back. But this time, she could tell he was more serious and calmed down. "Alright, alright."

By the time they had finished talking, they had arrived at Giulia's house. Luca remembered that his parents told him to come home right after entering the race, so he started to head back to his house.

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