Chapter 37-I Love You

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I stand in my rubber boots with the box full of meowing kittens I sat on the counter under the bright, flickering light of the little, rickety convenient store.

They're eyes are squeezed shut and they are squirming around like crazy.

I clear my throat as I toss my back pack that is too full to zip over my shoulder, adjusting my shirt.

The middle aged lady working at the counter turns around and gives me a look of pure irritation, slamming her Nicolas Sparks book shut, "Can I help you?" she asks in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you had any kitten food by any chance." I ask politely, picking up the little Siamese kitten with the bright blue eyes by the scruff of his neck. "We found these little guys left on the side of the street." I tell her, but she doesn't seem to care.

"This is a gas station." she says, looking into my eyes. Hers are as black as the night sky outside.

"The sign says convenient store." I say.

"This is a gas station." she repeats, her eye twitching.


"You have two functioning feet right?"


"Then look for yourself."

"Um...alright." I say as she turns her back on me and goes back to reading.

"Can I leave the box here for a minute?" I ask her.

"No." she spits, not even bothering to turn around.

Grabbing the box of kittens, I turn and begin scouring the isles for the pet section.

I find the single shelf filled with pet supplies and grab a few cans of kitten food, a dish, and a toy.

I grab some milk from the refrigerated area as well, carrying it in the crook of my arm, and then struggle to pick up a few soft blankets in a different isle.

Silently as is can, I set the items on the counter and return to get more stuff.

I drop the bag of chips I picked up on the floor by accident and she sighs as she listens to me struggling to pick it up.

I grab a few candy bars as well and place them on the counter.

I wait patiently for her to turn around, and when she finally does she stares at my items for a moment before scanning them nod asking if I'd like to have a bag.

"Yes please, that would be nice."

She digs around under the counter for a second then looks at me, a blank expression on her face. "I'm sorry we don't have bags, but you're welcome to buy this one."

She pulls out the ugliest purse I've ever seen and empties everything in it onto the counter, flicking her long, ratted low ponytail behind her back.

"Well, that's yours. I don't want the take it from you." I say.

"It belongs to my co-worker actually. She's taking a smoking brake around back. She'll never know."

"I'm fine actually. I'll just carry it."

"Suit yourself."

She pushes everything back into the purse and shoves my items at me as I exchange my cash. I do my best to not drop any of them as I gather them up, shoving things under my arms and holding them with my chin.

"Do you have a bathroom that I could use?" I ask as I begin to walk out the door.

"It's around back."

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now