Chapter 3-Stall Sex

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Four Years Later...

I walk alone in the club in London where Danny and I went on our first technical date. Classy I know, he took me to a club for our first date.

Memories flood back into my mind as I go. The smell of alcohol mixed with sweat, the darkness that makes it easy to get lost, the flashing lights that make you dizzy as you dance, his arms around my waist, my hair sticking to my forehead, his smile, his eyes.

It wasn't easy for me to leave him. In fact, it took me longer than I thought it would to get over him.

All those years we spent together, down the drain. All for a relationship that only lasted me a year.

I thought Canton was what I wanted, and for the longest time, he was. But he wasn't what I needed. What I needed was Danny.

But I had gone and screwed that up. I had left Danny in Dublin to live in London with Canton. And it was one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life.

Sometimes I think it wasn't a mistake though. Danny and I wouldn't have worked out anyway. He's on tour with his band and I'm here working in an office because I've had trouble selling my art. We would've ended the same way.

Just keep telling yourself that Bryna...

I push through people on the dance floor trying to get to the bar.

I am stopped by several men, who flirt and ask me how old I am.

"Seventeen," I reply just to get them to leave me alone. It's believable enough. I look like a kid even though I'm nearly thirty.

I push my way through the crowd, but I get stopped by one last person. This time though it's not some creep trying to get sex from me. Not really.
"Hey beautiful," he whispers in my ear, imitating the other guys. "How old are you? You want me to buy you a drink?"

He slips his hands around my waist and I shiver, not wanting to face him.

I slowly turn and a look of shock spreads across my face. "Evan!" I exclaim.

"Looking good love!" he says spinning me around in my plumb-colored, velvet dress that is extremely form-fitting and shows me off in all the right places. I have to admit I bought it for myself just for tonight.

"Thanks," I say, with a small smile. "I'm starting to regret wearing this; the boys won't leave me alone."

"I wish the boys wouldn't leave me alone." Evan says, pretending to fan himself and pass out. "The men here are prime..."

I laugh slightly, "Prime?" I ask, questioning his use of the adjective.

"Um-hum, like a platter of ribs," he says.

"You are too much." I chuckle.

Another guy stumbles over to me and laugh again, this time flirtatiously asI quickly press my lips against Evan's.

The guy sighs and walks away, muttering a friendly, "Fuck you" to Ev who in turn gives him the middle finger behind my back as we make out.

When he's out of sight Evan pushes me away and scrapes at his tongue making sounds of repulsion.

"See this is why I love having a gay friend." I say seductively.

"What so you have an excuse to kiss my sexy ass every time some dickhead walks bye?" he teases.

I smack him playfully on the shoulder, "No!"

"Oh, so you can use me to make people think you have a date?" he asks.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now