Chapter 4-You're Better Off Now

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I stumble there, along the railings and the fences.

Everything is pounding in my head. Every step I take. Every beat my heart skips, every move, every memory.

I feel so good, so alive. Yet at the same time I feel as if I could crawl up into a ball and die.

All I can think about is her. How she left me. How much it killed me to see her go.

I don't have very good memories left of her after all these years. They are scarce. For some reason, all I remember is the bad.

But even the bad are turning good now. Probably just because she was there with me, even trough the bad. Either way it was before the worst, before she left me.

I'd give anything to be with her again, anything.

I walk along the bridge as cars rush by beside me. I stop and pull out my phone, pulling up her contact that I still have saved in my favorites. I've called her so many times now I'm surprised she hasn't changed her number. Who knows though, maybe she has.

I dial the phone and wait, talking to myself as it rings. I know she won't pick up.

Boy was I right. It goes to answerphone.

"Hi, it's Bryna. I'm not available right now, please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." says the recording.

"Unless it's Danny O' that case fuck the hell off!" I swear I hear her add.

It's just my imagination though. It's always playing tricks on me.

I hear the ring, but I can't say anything.

I just sit there breathing heavily. I watch the puffs of air that fly from my mouth and disappear into the night.

"It doesn't matter." I mutter to myself after I hang up. "She won't listen to it anyway.

Yet, I call her once more. At least I can hear her voice on the recording, her sweet, beautiful voice.

This time someone picks up. There is loud music in the background and the voice that screams through the phone is not hers.

"Who is this?" he asks.

"Um, who is this?" I ask.

"I asked you first. It says D. Your name is D? Who the hell is called D? What kind of name is that?"

She still has my number programed in her phone. She changed my contact name to D, but still.

"What the fuck?" I say my words blending together.

"Dude, are you drunk?" he asks.

"That is none of your fucking business," I slur, starting to get angry. Why is this random dude answering her phone? And why is he so damn insistent?

"Gosh, take a chill pill man." he says. He's British, sounds like he could be from London. This can't be the guy she left me for. He was from London, but according to her mother she's no longer with him. Canton his name was. What kind of name is that?

I'm curious. I could ask him, I don't want to do that though. I'm drunk enough to say some things I might regret if it is him.

"Just hang up the phone." I tell him, my head starting to spin from the loud thumping in the background. "And don't answer if I call back."

I hear someone shouting in the background, "Ev, who the hell are you talking to?"

It's her. It's Bryna and this boy on the phone isn't Canton.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now