Chapter 31-Don't Be Scared

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I could never be a mother.

I sigh as I pace back and forth in front of the bathroom, so many thoughts racing through my head.

"I can't have a child. I'm still a child myself." I say.

Maybe I'm not pregnant.

"I should've gotten my period over a week ago though...."

It could be a stress related delay. I've had plenty of that with my new job and losing my friends.

"That's exactly what I need right now. A friend...I can't do this alone. I'm scared out of my mind."

I pick up the phone and call Quinn. I know she's not going to answer, but I still pray that she does.

It's the last ring..."Hey it's me. I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the tone."

I call answer.

I sigh. I could try Evan, but I know he's working. He won't answer. I try anyway, but it goes straight to voicemail. His phone is off.

I don't even bother with Danny; instead I search through my phone until I find someone I think will be able to help me levelheadedly through this situation.

He's the most levelheaded person I know actually.

I dial his number and listen to it ring, hoping to god this is still his number and that he answers.

"Hello?" he says on the fifth ring.

"Hey, this is Bryna." I say.

"Bryna?" he says, lowering his voice.

"What the hell? Why are you calling me?"

"I really need your help Glen."

"Sorry, what?" he asks.

"I need your help."

"My help? Why didn't ye call Dan?"

Why would he ask me that question? He knows Danny and I are not on speaking terms. At least I think he does.

"Well we're in a bit of an argument so..."

"Oh," he says sounding like this is new news to him.

"Well in that case I don't think I can help you Bryna. That would be betraying my best friend and I don't do that..."

I feel like I'm losing him and I panic, "Glen please! Just hear me out. I really need your help."

He sighs, "You better be glad Mark didn't pick up my phone. He would've given you an earful of hell just for being in a row with Dan. Plus he's not much of a fan anymore. After all the pain you put Danny through."

"I'm sorry." I say. "I just really would appreciate it of you'd hear me out."

"I'm all ears."

"Thank you." I tell him sincerely. "This is really serious."

"Well spit it out now would ya?" he says.

"Okay, so, I haven't gotten my period yet-"

He cuts me off, "Woah, woah, woah...This sounds like a girly problem. Can't you talk to one of yer lady friends about this?"

"Unfortunately I don't have any."

"Really? Not a single one?"

"Not a single one." I say. "So anyway, I was supposed to get it over a week ago...."

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now