Chapter 14-The Man Who Can't Be Moved

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Seeing her again is like a breath of fresh air.

I almost passed out when I first noticed her. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Mark and Glen and that blond girl that says she knows me all stare at us in surprise.

"You two know each other?" the girl asks, in shock.

Well, if this chick is Bryna's friend, Bryn sure isn't being a good one.

"Why don't you ask her that question?" I say, but Bryna turns and runs before I can say anything else, leaving me standing there astonished.

I call after her, and Glen and Mark have to hold me back so I don't follow her out.

"Let me go!" I tell them, but they ignore my crying.

"She's not worth it mate." Mark says.

"I have to see her again." I scream.

"Calm down Dan." Glen tells me, and they both sit me down.

I grab my water bottle and down the rest of it, trying to remember how to breathe.

"This was one good chance and I blew it." I mutter to myself.

"What are you talking about?" the blond girl asks me. "What's happening? How do you two know each other?"

I look up at her confused face and almost spill, telling this girl that Bryna is the one I wrote all those songs about but I think better of it.

The press would be all over Bryna if I did that. Asking her questions I don't want others to hear the answers to.

"She's just a familiar face." I say instead.

"What about me? Am I a familiar face?" she asks.

I look at her for a while, "I can't say I recognize you love." I tell her.

She raises her eyebrows. "You don't?"


"Quinn...ladies bathroom in WarrenBros...two days ago?" she says. "Ring a bell?"

Now it's my turn to raise my eyebrows. Two days ago? When I went on my drunken tour of London?

"Um, come again..."

"We met at WarrenBros. That club downtown. We had sex. You gave me free concert tickets."

"What now?" I almost choke.

"You gave me free concert tickets." she repeats.

"No, before that,"

"We had sex,"
"Are you serious?"

"Yes." she says wearily.

I sigh, "Holy shit."

"I'm sorry, do you not remember that?" she asks, looking angry.

"I'm afraid not."

She gasps, "I can't believe you! I thought you loved me!"

"I was drunk darling. I don't even remember you, how could I love you?"

"Oh, don't you darling me!" she says and she storms off the stage.

I sit there with my jaw dropped looking at Glen and Mark who look equally as stunned by this as I am.

I continue to chat with the rest of my fans and then as quickly as I can I get the band and me back on the road. We find a hotel, but I can't sleep. I tell Lucy to get me a ticket to Dublin as soon as possible.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now