Chapter 32-Drink Your Problems Away

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"I did what was right." I say.

"Just keep telling yerself that Dan." he tells me as I leave the studio.

"Oh, you bet I will!" I shout.

He and I have been arguing about me taking his kids to my place ever since that night.

I don't see what the big deal is. They're fine. Probably better off than they would've been at his place that night.

I pull on my leather jacket as I walk down the barren hallway, tying the tribal patterned scarf that a fan gave me around my neck.

I sigh, shoving my hands into my pockets as I step out into the bitter cold.

I take a deep breath and it shows in the air.

My cheeks begin to sting as I walk into the wind, headstrong and fast, attempting to get to the pub as quickly as I can.

"Hold on!" I hear someone shout. "Danny wait up!"

I turn around to find Glen chasing after me, one arm through the sleeve of his coat, the other struggling to wiggle through the second sleeve.

I sigh, "I don't have time for this Glen!" I call turning and walking forward, trying my hardest to lose him.

"Come on man! Cut me a break!" he shouts as he jogs up next to me. "You know I don't work out."

I don't crack a smile as I continue ahead and I can tell it worried him as his face falls, still bobbing along beside of mine.

He still has to jog to keep up with me, for every long pace I take is equal to about two of his.

"What are you doing Dan?" he asks me, sounding concerned.

I stop in my tracks, giving him a stern look, and yell, "I'm trying to be alone! But you seem to have other plans don't ye?!"

He looks a little hurt as he shies away from me, red in the face with anger.

"I'd like it if you could leave me the fuck alone! I've got a lot on my damn mind and Mark's being a fucking arse..."

I about say more, but I stop myself, falling against the cold brick wall to my side, hiding my distressed face from his view.

"Danny." he says after a while, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"What?" I snap.

"I think you need to chill."

I sigh, "Yer right."

"I know I am."

"You wanna come to this pub with me and get a drink?" I say pointing to the sign above my head. "Maybe just talk?"

"Sure." he says, patting me on the back. "Of course."

"Alright." I say, taking a deep breath. "Alright." I step into the dark pub that's buzzing with energy. I quickly warm up as the body heat from the people packed in here transfers to me. I lead Glen through the crowd and we have a seat at the back.

"What would you like to drink?" the bartender asks him.

"Oh I don't want anything." he says. "I can't have too much if this one's gonna be drinking." He points to me.

"So you're the DD huh?" he asks in a tongue that isn't Irish.

"I guess you could say that."

"I didn't think they had those here." he says.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now