Chapter 38-Let's Have A Little Fun

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I wake to the sound of an unbearably loud truck horn blaring in my ear.

I sit up suddenly, forgetting where I am and hit my head on the roof of the car.

"Shit!" I exclaim causing Bryna to stir beside of me.

I squint as I peer through the windshield at our truck driver that sits in the parking spot directly across from us, waving his hands frantically at me.

I sigh before tossing the blanket I shared with Bryna to the side, adjusting my gray t-shirt and quietly opening the car door before stepping out onto the damp, cracked concrete.

I approach the driver's side door, still wiping the sleep from my eyes, "What the hell dude?" I say.

"We've missed the fucking ferry again you asshole!"

"What?" I say panic beginning to set in. "What the fuck, I set my alarm," I fumble with my phone, "it must have just not gone off."

I look under the alarm setting on my cell and realize I set it for 5:30 in the evening instead of the morning.

"Yeah, well, it didn't work my lad. Look where we are now. Stuck here at seven in the morning with the next ferry leaving at eleven."

"Well that's not so bad, only a few hours of waiting."

"At night..." he adds.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I exclaim, kicking the side of the truck which hurts like a motherfucker.
"Hey, hey, hey, watch it, she's fragile."

"She's fragile...a steel truck that weighs tons is fragile? Bullshit." I say, getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"Hey, I didn't have to wait here with you last night buster, I could have just as easily turned around with all of your shit and driven back to London." he says.

Well shit...

If I want this guy on my side, I have to be polite. "And you didn't, which I greatly appreciate, but I'm a little concerned about my options here."

He doesn't say anything. I think for a moment. "Maybe we can find another ferry company down the road a little ways."

"I checked, closest port is about five kilometers down the road, and they don't have another trip to Dublin until ten. Next closest is a two hour drive and they aren't sure of their schedule yet, plus I am not driving that far. This port was our deal and I'm not budging on it."

"Well you're going to have to wait then." I say firmly.

"I don't have to do anything. I could've left your ass last night."

"Okay, you're right. I apologize, but look man, my girlfriend Bryna here," I point to her, "she's had a rough couple of weeks. She and I we are just trying to start fresh. She's moving in with me, and she'd be devastated if anything else delayed us from our journey. If you could just stay here until we get a ferry ride that would be awesome. I mean it's almost the holidays there can't only be one ride to Dublin today."

"That's what they're telling me. They say the weather is looking real bad all day today. I mean they might change their minds, but from the look of the place I don't see you rolling out of here until late."

"Shit." I murmur, pacing around.

"You'll stay though?"

"I mean, what choice do I have?"

"Great, thanks lad! I really do appreciate it."

He sighs at my cheeriness and rolls up his window as I circle back to seat and get back in the car as quietly as I can as not to wake her.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now