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The small e/c child smiling walking there the blood filled shrine. She picked up an animal skull and giggled.

"Maybe if I aint wou he will stahp hiding from we...."

She let out a small gasp and dropped the skull staring into the blood seeing a shadow. Quickly she looked up to see the king of curses standing before her.

"Child. Why are you here....its not your time. Go away."

She frowns and crosses her tiny arms over her chest. Stepping towards him.

"You a meany kuna....I wan to play..."

He sighs crossing his arms threw his robe looking back at her in annoyance as he starts to walk away.

"No. I do not wish to play with you. I'll say it one more time child. Go. Away."

She takes a few steps closer to him and pulls on the end of his robe looking up at him with sad puppy eyes.

"Wo come to my dweams kuna....so you haff yo listen...I the boss!"

He stops walking, a domestic grin spreads across his face. In one swift movement he turns and grabs the 3 year old up by her throat. Squeezing it. Watching as her face twist in horror, gasping for air.

The light slowly fading from her eyes. Suddenly the king of curses starts to cough up blood and a stabbing feeling rises in his chest. His eyes widens and he releases the girl.

The fall alone should have killed her but she brought herself to her knees holding her neck sobbing and gasping for air.

"Damn that stupid priestess."

He calms his breathing looking down to the girl as she looks up at him. Blood leaking from her small mouth, the marks on her neck already bruised and bleeding. He carefully scoops her in his arms. She tries to push away from him..

"Stop moving or I won't heal you"

Her sobs start to soften as she shakes her head no.


He smirks and touches her forhead with his middle and pointer finger. His sharp black nails pressing hard enough to draw blood she whimpers before her vision becomes blurry falling asleep.

"Dont worry you won't remember...well not now anyways..."

             ~4 years later~

"Sakuna....where are you. I know you know I'm here...its pretty dumb to hide..."

The child kicks a skull acrossed the blood filed room. Another one landing at her feet from out of no where. Looking down at it confused. When she looks back up she was now standing infront of the bone of throwns.

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