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"Sukuna please!"


She backed into the room slowly with her hands out as if that would stop the king of curses from doing anything. Her legs catch the bedframe and she falls onto her back.

"Sukuna! I swear I dont remember who he was!"

He grabs her by her ankle lifting her in the air. Dangling her upside down lifting her up far enough her face is even with his. She squirms and wiggled but nothing happens he doesn't drop her. He doesn't free her.

He just holds her up....looking at her as if he was waiting for something. She finally stops and relaxes blinking a few times confused why he hasn't done anything.

"Ye know....your just as bad as I lair as you were back than"

His sadistic evil smile returning. Feeling the pressure of his curse energy weighing down on her.

He turns around in one swift movement throwing her out into the yard

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He turns around in one swift movement throwing her out into the yard. She lands so hard in the rock garden she bounces. She lets out a low whimper.


He was laughing while he took steps closer to her. She being to weak to fight or even stand.

"Hes an assassin! He......train with me every so often when I was out on missions with my classmate!"

He pauses seeing the sincerity in her face. He whipped the blood from his mouth. The bond normally took seconds to effect him when he'd crossed a line. This time was no different.

"Go on"

She sighed and looked away. 'Of course he knew there was more to this story.'

"Hes....he's my classmates father....he knows nothing about him or what he looks like even"

He raises an eye brow placing a hand on his hip stepping closer the smirk returning, seeing the hesitation written on her face. He knew there was more.

"If you don't spit out what your really hiding i will push the bond to its limits"

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She slowly started to stand. She felt like running but there wasn't anywhere to run too.

"We....got close"

He tilts his head crossing his arms over his chest.

"Did this man fuck you?"

He knew the answer to this.. but he wanted to see if she knew why the answer would be no

She backs up and raises her hands waving them infront of her.

Sukunas PriestessWhere stories live. Discover now