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Nobara and yuji walk inside, she stands at the door looking back seeing gojo giving her that stupid smile.

"Knock em dead sweetie!....litterally"

She roll her eyes entering the building letting the door slams behind her. Gojo and megumi sat on a stone wall accross from the building.

"You know she's going to kill you right?"

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"You know she's going to kill you right?"

Megumi says, gojo chuckles leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Eh she can try. Not like she hasn't before"

Megumi leans back crossing his arms over his chest. Gojo side eyes megumi threw his blind fold.

"Shes really only in there for their protection and to test the other two...."

    She sighs looking up the long stare case and back at the two who were babbling back and forth.

"Okay look ill take the upper floors you two take the main and lower floors"

She raises an eye brow. Suprised the new girl has such confidence to take the lead. you fallowed as she said leading yuji down to the basement stare well. Resting her hands folded behind her back as they walked. She peeked over her shoulder and could tell yuji was tense so she tried to distract him.

"Hey....yuji....can i ask you something?"

He was looking around frantically. She could tell he wasn't anywhere near ready for this type of training so she couldn't help but to wonder why gojo would send the new guys.

"Uh sure....whats up?"

He said blinking looking at her with a confused face.

"When you....I mean Sakuna came to save me...did you let him out willingly or what happened."

He blinked a few times looking as if he was confused and than a light seems to go off in the boys head.

"Hmmm I'm not really sure. I heard yaga and gojo talking about you not being in your room when megumi went to get you for dinner....I blinked and I needed up in his domain demanding I let him take over....and than next thing I remember he was in infront of me fighting those two special grades telling me to go back and help you...."

He has a gap in his memory. She thought to herself narrowing her eyes thinking about what that could mean, there has to be a solid 4 hours between dinner and when sukuna was fighting the two curses....

Her thoughts were interrupted by the air becoming thicker. The building suddenly felt cold. She knew whatever this was she had to let yuji handle it.


She turned around to see a tall black haired man standing behind the boy. His face looked oddly familiar. The way the spikes of black hair slightly fell over his forhead, the most memorable thing about him was the larg scar on his lip, and the giant curse wrapped around his wide chest and giant muscles, The man held a large hunters knife to yuji throat.

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