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She woke up...alone...again. with a heavy sigh she started her day. Showering, eating. Fumbling threw what kimono to throw on. Her wardrobe with her modern clothes had a thick layer of bust from how long its been she has touched it, even the door handles were coated in dust.
She slipped on a familiar purple kimono brushing out her h/l hair. She could hear soft foot steps.

"In here kuna"

She yelled out not expecting him back so soon but she turned with a smile on her face that faded as the door slid opened.. she hadnt noticed the thick smell of iron until she fully took in who was at the door.


His smile just as amunuse and sadistic as the last time she had laid her eyes on him. Ahe flinched as he flung something, it landed at her feet with a splat noise.

"I win"

A still beating heart bleeding at her feet, she backed up and looked back up to see the room was no longer her comfortable little home in sukunas domain. She was in a old room. Rotted wooden floor boards around the room. Only light that was in the room was from the outside moonlight peeking in.

"He let his gaurd down priestess. Honestly you should be thanking me. That chain should he breaking right about...."

She looked down to see the familiar chain of the vow appear and tighten around her arm. She let out a loud scream landing on her knees infront of the heart. Its beats were slowing, the realization of whose heart was in front of her finally hit.

"No! You didnt!"

She stared at it slowly fadding moments. Her screams grew as the chain grew to tight, with her other hand she picked up the heart and held it to her chest.

"I love you my king"

The chain pulled so tight it broke with the last beat of the heart. Her eyes went black lifting her other hand holding the heart firmly to her chest.

"Domain expain. Decaying play room"

The room shifted yet again without her lifting her hands. She muttered a chant a black wall formed between her and gojo.

"I dont have long. And I don't know if this will even work. But I have to try kuna. Come back to me"

The chant from her lips this time were in a dead language long forgotten by the sorcer society. She knew regardless if gojo still could hear her he would be non the wiser as to what she was doing. As the chang began the stilled heart starts to disappear. A sharp pain ran threw her body. She finished the chant and closed her eyes. For a flash she could see sukuna.. standing infront of his shrine. She smiled.

"I did it kuna....it worked"

"Foolish. My love.. foolish"

His voice rang out and she smiled. She went to take a step towards him but was unable. She watched him open his eyes and then she was snatched back into reality. She opened her blurry eyes, her hands were wrapped around a wrist that was pressed into her neck.

"Where the fuck did you just go priestess?!? Did you think you could fallow him into death! Heh! As if id let you go that eassssssyyyyy no no no! You go when I fucking tell you too! Just like the rest of them!!!"

His ramblings were almost unaudible, mostly just mumbles. She was able to get her feel under him and fling him backwards. She stood up cracking her neck. Suprised by the sudden change in her strength.

"Did breaking that vow give you a boost in curse energy????"

She glared at him, as he stumbled around. Raising her hands, string appearing along with small dolls that resembled the ones her yaga used.

"You said just like the rest of them gojo.....'just like the rest of them' does that mean you killed your other students? Did you become the thing you swore you never would?"

She seemed calmer than even she expected and from the look on gojos face showed he was suprised as well.

"One got away. But let's not focused on the deceased after all what can they do to save you....their dead!"

Gojo took off towards her, slamming her back to the ground with his foot on her chest, she let out a loud gasp, blood shooting out of her mouth.

"Ye- see that damn megumi putted at my fuckin heart string that I didnt know were still there."

He laughed maniacally again as he leaned forward putting more pressure on her chest she could hear a few of her ribs break, she screamed into the dust filled air.

"Mmmmm....I've missed that."

Gojo lowered his face mere inches from here his bright blue eyes staring right into her e/c fear filled orbs.

"Without that vow attached to you i don't have to go based off a time limit how many times I use you"

A low growl filled her throat. One that wasn't her own. Gojo was to busy rambling to even notice it.


The word was breif and low. Almost like someone whispered it in her ear.
The girl was confused and fear was slowly starting to take over. Gojo grabbed her side with his massive hand squeezing it until more cracking sounds filled the air.

"Are you listing to me?!? I rreeeaaallllyyy don't like being ignored priestess"

He said between gritted teeth, she just noticed the amount of blood that was coming from under his fallen badges where his mask once was.

'Damn it, fight'

It was sukunas voice, it was more clear than before. Her eyes turned black, soft chants escaping her lips. Several large stuffed animals apear from black smoke ripping gojo from the girls body.

"What did you do gojo?! What the hell has happened to you?!?!"

She yelled, imagines of the man over the years flashed before her tear filled eyes. The lessons he would teach her. The training he did with her and megumi. The amount of love and effection he gave her and megumi.

'Stop thinking, and fight!'

Sukunas voice brought her back into reality right as gojo pulled the stuffed animals in half one at a time, his hands flashing different colors as he did so, completely ignoring the others that attacked him. She summoned 3 more backing away into the shadows of her domain.

"Kuna....I dont think I can do this....hes still...."

She watched from the shadows, gojo stood in the middle of the torn stuffed animals staring off into nothing wide eyed. He looked like an animal waiting for its prey.

"Talking to your dead king huh"

Her eyes widen, watching his eyes snap right to where she stood off in her the shadows.

"I opened my eyes y/n. Thats what I did"

Blood slowly falling from his tear ducs. The girl smiles though she trembled. She wasn't going to fear death this time, or run. She would fight to stay alive.

"No gojo. You lost yourself to the madness. Just like those old bastards did. You wanted the future to be different, better. But you're repeating it"

Gojo grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air with one hand. His other slowly raise, his index finger and middle finger crossed.

"Damain expansion."

His smile grew the fear making her tremble, once she entered his domain she knew there was no going back.

" gojo wait...ill give you whatever you want"

She said inbtween gasping for air.
His grip loosened slightly, not enough for her to escape but enough for her to breath more.

"Fallow me into the unknown of madness my little priestess"

His fingers uncrossed, hooking the edge of her kimono, slowly untying it with a smirk. She let out a shakey sigh.

"As you wish"

Sukunas PriestessWhere stories live. Discover now