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Damian grew up amongst an entire league of assassins, trained as their heir without emotions and learned skills to kill others despite him being a kid. Did that mean he was antisocial? Out of touch?
Oh, definitely.

Except for when he came to meet his father (read: dumped with) and the Batfam he had to learn how to deal and identify his emotions, which continously proved to be very troublesome, confusing and downright annoying for everyone involved.
It was a communications issue.
Some adults don't even know how to control their emotions, so how and why should he?

Cause his father and Dick said so.

And not just social skills.
He also had to train how not to kill his enemies as it went against the 'Batcode'. The latter progressed faster after he'd fought Deathstroke and the Court of Owls, to his father's relief (and pride).

Only one problem popped up.
He was then made to attend school cause he was still a kid.
Oh joy.
He had immediately shot down the idea and told his family he had already finished schooling at the league with the best tutor's, but did that stop his father from putting him in the same school his brother's had attended?
No, regrettably.

Meanwhile Todd and Drake were betting when Bruce would be called in cause of a dead kid or the first punch. So far it ranged from three days to two weeks, barely.

Sure, he easily dealt with the study materials by himself but staying around snobbish kids with a seniority complex when he had skipped grades was below him.

Now, Damian had heard of the concept of bullies but really? They were a nuisance akin to a plague you just wanted to poison or kill. Of which he could do both effortlessly and with half a working mind, mind you. And, Damian had to admit, he probably made a nice target with him being younger, antisocial and 'nerdy' - his permanent scowl probably didn't help either.
The others also had something to say about his attidude and way of speech, being the son of Bruce Wayne or (now this was downright racism) a 'mix-breed'.

He had thrown the first punch that time, two weeks after enrolling. Needless to say Drake won the bet, getting 20$ and Damian was scolded in the car ride as well as at home to 'not do that again... or maim them'.
Damian wanted to refute but he was above telling his father about the minor inconvenience, it wasn't worth telling him about it.

-That had been a mistake on his part.

The bullies had figured out that Damian hadn't told his father about the confrontation and thus a few more joined in on it.
He was beaten and called names, antagonized.
Truly, the heir to the demon, being ridiculed like that was shameful, even more so how it made him look weak. He hated it but couldn't do much about it at the moment, lest he get in actual trouble.

The teachers (pretended) didn't see it and he, while yes, he could use lethal force to immobilize them, knew very well that his father would be faster on him than one could shout out 'Dick's Ass'. Meaning he had to let this treatment continue for now...
But patrol? When he had begun letting his frustration out on the villains/ enemies for a week past a certain point of brutality Batman gave him a warning: temporarily stop being Robin or behave.

He had to reign himself in.

Robin was his everything, everything he could and wanted to do and be outside the Mansion.
He couldn't loose that one thing. So he conceded, once again, to the wishes and ideals of others, just like he'd done in the league.

Slowly he started feeling numb, emotionally exhausted, and so tired that he would probably (he already did, twice, blaming Jason) snatch one of Drake's weird caffeeine concoctions to make him last through the schooldays.
...was this 'depression'?
He had an ounce of pity for Drake now.

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