Chapter 17

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I woke up with a song stuck in my head. I recognized it as that song Danny was playing, I wanted to look that band up but I couldn't remember the name of the band. I think it had something to do with the color green?

I glanced over at a clock hanging on the wall. It said 12:13 on it. Was that clock right? I couldn't see myself sleeping in that late. I unlocked my iPad which was laying on a nightstand next to my bed and it said 12:09 so the clock was pretty much right.

I stepped outside and looked around to see if Danny was up yet and he wasn't anywhere to be seen, so I assumed he had slept in too. I plopped down onto the couch and just in case Danny walked in, I didn't do anything like FaceTime Franny.

I didn't feel like staring at my iPad screen so soon after waking up, so I just watched TV with the volume down really low. There was nothing good on so I just settled on SpongeBob and relaxed.

I couldn't focus on the TV though because that song stuck in my head was driving me crazy. I went back to the bedroom and grabbed my iPad and some earbuds. I could've waited for Danny to wake up and ask him about the song but I couldn't wait, I had to know.

I was gonna find that song and band if it was the last thing I did.

I went to YouTube and just typed in green. All the results had Greenday in it, so that had to be the name of the band. None of the song titles seemed familiar so I just clicked on the first search result for Greenday which was a song called "Time of Your Life". I listened to that song and a bunch of others and became absolutely hooked.

I found out the name of the song was "Basketcase" and I listened to Greenday songs in Youtube for God knows how long until Danny walked in.

I didn't even realize he had come into the room until he spoke from behind me.

"What are you watching?"

I paused the video I was on to tell him,
but he saw my screen before I got the chance. He got really excited.

"No way!" He said. "I thought you didn't even know who Greenday was!"

"I do now." I mumbled. Danny gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Well, take your ear buds out." He said joining me on the couch. Deciding that we didn't want to do anything at all that day, he showed me what seemed like almost every Greenday song and told me all about them.

He also showed me a bunch of other bands to listen to and we also watched funny YouTube videos.

But Danny decided that a true lazy day meant that we shouldn't get out of our pajamas all day. He wouldn't even let me do my hair or makeup. When I tried to, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled be back onto the couch with him.

After we got sick of YouTube, we played a knockoff version of Heads up. We sucked at it but that made it even more fun.

It was Danny's turn guessing and the category was birds. Sandpiper popped up and since my name is SANDy I pointed to myself.

" of those ugly gooses at the park!" He blurted out.

I kicked his leg.

"Just kidding!" Danny shouted. Then he paused. "...ouch."

I smiled with satisfaction and gestured for him to keep going.

"Um...a peaco-" he guessed.


He winced and gave me a sad puppy face. "I figured since you're so pretty it was a really pretty bird and that's why you were pointing at yourself, so I figured the prettiest bird I know is a peacock." He rambled on explaining.

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