Chapter 28

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Me and my friends all decided to go to a diner called the ice palace after school on Friday. It was a common hangout for our school, especially on Fridays.

I hadn't been acting myself all week; I still couldn't believe how much of a jerk I was to Sandy. It had to be done, though.

My friends wouldn't react in a positive way if I dated Sandy. She wasn't the type of girl I was supposed to date, and I didn't want either of us to get hurt because of our relationship. It was better this way.

None of my friends understand the concept of finding a special girl and wanting to go steady with her, anyway. I didn't either until I met Sandy.

Not being able to date her hurt so much, but I had to keep reminding myself that it can't work out- especially after what I did at the pep rally.

She didn't need me anyway, she has a whole group of friends now. She's not eating lunch by herself in a corner anymore. I was the one that needed her.

I pulled into the Ice Palace parking lot and Kyle pulled up next to me in his piece of crap car. He keeps saying he's gonna fix it up to use for drag racing but I think that's almost as unlikely as me and Sandy getting back together.

Me and all the guys squeezed into a booth in the back because all the long tables were taken. We were being really loud already. I'd feel bad, but The Ice Palace isn't exactly a quiet place on a Friday night. The restaurant was packed with a bunch of people who were almost all no older than 30 and there was music blasting.

The Ice Palace has this really cool modernized juke box with a touch screen. I would've chose a song, except none of my friends would like the song I would choose.

Kyle looked over at me, I'd been quiet ever since we got here.

"What's wrong? Are you still thinking  about that blonde girl?" He asked.

"No, why would I be thinking about her?" I said, trying to make it seem like it was a stupid question, but he was absolutely right.

"I don't know, you've just been a little off since Saturday." Kyle shrugged.

"You're not on your period, are you Danny?" Sammy joked.

"No, actually there's something I've been meaning to tell you guys." I said seriously.

I got looks that gave off both confusion and worry.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

They all gave me blank looks.

"But you're a guy." Kyle said.

"It was a joke." I explained.

"Oh." Kyle said unamused before changing the subject back to his car which he had named Thunder.

He talked about everything he was going to do to fix it up in vivid detail and then somehow the subject went to sex. I got bored and ended started staring off into space. I saw some familiar blonde hair and felt my heart drop.

I sat up to get a better look; Sandy was being seated in the booth next to us with some guy I didn't know. We made awkward eye contact and both looked away quickly. I looked down and sipped my Coke.

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