Chapter 11

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I walked into Ms.Havens class, which was always chaos. As soon as class started I pulled out my phone. I typed in Danny's number and made a contact for him.


I closed my phone and waited desperately for him to respond to my text. There's something seriously wrong with you Sandy. I told myself. A few minutes later I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and felt like I was going to get a heart attack.


How the heck was I supposed to respond to that?? I screamed at myself internally to stop freaking out. I just put my phone in my pocket and decided to wait and see what he was going to say. Besides, I didn't want to sound needy. I'm acting like a school girl I thought wait...I am a school girl.

My phone vibrated and I practically fell out of my seat trying to snatch my phone out of my pocket. I got a photo. I opened it up expecting it to be a selfie or something so Danny could stall me. It was not a selfie.

I saw an a picture of an arm covered with bruises and a few scars. I felt sadness wash over me. What? I got another photo of his abs with more bruises and scars. How did he get those?

I ran possibilities through my mind. It couldn't be because he gets bullied, he was way too popular. Was it from his parents? I replied with

meet me at the bathroom in the 300 building.

I just wanted to hug him or something. He had already been there for me so many times and he probably needed support way more than I did.

I felt like someone was behind me so i quickly locked my phone and turned around. A girl with way too much makeup and designer clothes was staring at me. She looked familar but I didn't think she was in this class. I figured she got split into here.

"What's wrong with your face?" she said as snotty as possible.

Anger boiled inside of me and without thinking I responded with "What's wrong with yours?" in a fake innocent voice. At first i panicked and wanted to take it back, but I was very satisfied with look of shock on her face. Where was all this sudden courage coming from?

"Have you ever heard of a little thing called makeup?" she replied. "You could really use some. You have no right to call me ugly."

I smiled she was really setting herself up. "Yeah but i could wipe away 90% of your 'beauty' off with a kleenex."

That really pissed her off. "Well maybe you should swallow makeup so you're pretty on the inside!" she said. Then a jock that looked over 6 feet tall came up to us.

"What's going on babe." he said to the barbie doll.

She made a pouty face and pointed at me. "She's making fun of me."

I really did panic then and quickly defended myself. "Yeah after she made fun of me!" I knew it wouldn't do any good though. Of course he would side with his little girlfriend.

"Yeah, look at yourself." he snickered. "So leave Megan alone!" he said that really loud and that got Ms.Haven's attention.

She walked over to us and shouted "What's going on here?!"

Megan was quick to respond. "I was just sitting down minding my own buisness and then she just started making fun of me!"

Yeah, that would explain why she and her boyfriend were hovering over me while I was sitting down.

"No." I argued. "That's what she did to me!" I insisted. Then Megan's boyfriend stepped in.

"She's lying! I was a witness to all of it." after that we basically all started shouting over each other until finally Ms.Haven stepped in again.

"ENOUGH!" Ms.Haven screamed loud enough for every nearby classroom to hear. Everyone was looking at us and I began to feel really uncomfortable. "All of you go to guidence and figure this out right now."

As Ms. Haven started writing up hall passes I saw Megan cross her arms and give me a death glare. Then I saw her boyfriend whisper something to her and she smirked and nodded.

I really didn't want to go to guidance. I had no witnesses and Megan had her dumbass boyfriend. Ms.Haven handed us our passes and I feebly followed Megan and her boyfriend out the door.

For a few seconds we walked down the hallway in silence, making me feel really awkward and then we walked by the bathroom.

The jock turned around to face me and smirked,"Did you really think we were going to guidance?" I felt both panic and relief at the same time.

The boyfriend grabbed my shoulder and started forcing me towards the girls bathroom. I didn't want to cause any commotion in the hallway so i waited until we got inside the bathroom to fight back.

I knew I wasn't going to win but I wasn't going to make it easier for him. He shoved me against a wall and snickered. I just sighed and prepared myself for what was coming when I had a great realization. I told Danny to meet me here.  

Megan's boyfriend shoved me against the bathroom wall and pushed against my shoulders so I couldn't escape. "What do you wanna do with her?" he turned around and asked Megan. Her lips curled up and she smirked.

"Just hold her still, I've got an idea." must be the first idea she's had in awhile, I thought but I didn't dare open my mouth this time. Megan dug into her purse and pulled out some lipstick. "This is my mom's lipstick." she explained. "I grabbed it by mistake and I keep forgetting to put it back, but I think it'll look perfect on you."

She snapped the cap off and I saw the color of the lipstick. It was bright red. oh god, I thought. Megan's boyfriend snickered as she smeared the lipstick all over my lips missing it mulitple times. Then I heard something that I thought I'd never hear, footsteps.

Megan began to write something on my forehead oblivious to noise outside of the bathroom. Was it Danny? It might not of been but I took my chances.

Using advantage of my distinctive voice I shouted "Get off me!"

The footsteps got louder and faster and they were coming towards the bathroom. Megan turned around causing her to mess up on whatever she was writing on my head. I took a deep breath as someone walked inside.

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