Chapter 20

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Danny's POV :O

I stepped onto the school campus. Just great, another year of torture. At least it'd be my last. I was looking forward to hanging out with people though.

"Hey, there's Danny!" I heard a familiar voice say.

Soon enough I heard a group of my friends calling my name.

I sighed but smiled as I walked over to them.

"How are ya?" Kyle asked smirking.

"Good." I said fist bumping him.

"See any new cute chicks over there?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. He gestured to a group of girls.

"Nope, Same sluts as last year." I replied. I missed my nice girl from the summer. It was nice going out with a girl who cared about something besides sex.

"What did ya do all summer?" Kyle asked. I tried to be as vague as possible.

"I was at the beach a lot." I responded.

"So did you pick up any chicks at the beach?" Kyle said nudging me. I guess I couldn't avoid it completely.

"I did, uh meet this one chick. She was cool I guess." I said shrugging. I was trying to play it off as much as possible.

"Ohhh." Kyle teased.

"How was she in bed?" Sammy jumped in.

I had to hold back a cringe, I laughed instead.

"Is that all you think about, Sammy?" I asked.

"You know it." Sammy smirked with a wink.

We all groaned as the bell rang and walked away.

"Hey! Wait guys!" Sammy shouted.

Sandy's POV

"Do I look ok?" I asked Franny as we walked to first period, AP Government.

"You look fine." Franny sighed. "Your weave is on fleek."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that a good thing?"

Franny burst out laughing.

"Yes." She confirmed.

"Oh ok." I said feeling kind of embarrassed. We walked into the classroom and I wasn't in there for a minute before the teacher called my name.

"Yes?" I asked turning around. He walked over to the desk I was sitting at and plopped a green paper in front of me.

"It looks like you have a schedule change." He said nodding at the paper and walking around. He passed out some green papers to other people.

I looked at it, it was only a few minor changes. The two main things were that I had a Journalism class and a new lunch period.

"Lemme see." Franny said leaning over her desk behind mine to see my new schedule. The bell rang before she got a chance.

Danny POV

The bell rang signaling the start of class, but me and a couple others hung back wandering the halls. We could always use the "it's the first day of school and I was lost" excuse.

Sammy looked at his schedule and groaned.

"Every teacher I have this year has failed me at least once!" He complained.

"If you don't watch it, you'll be spending this year in the principle's office." David warned Sammy in a teasing tone.

"This year she's gonna wish she never missed me!" Sammy said.

"Really?" David said to rile him up. "How?"

"I'm just not gonna take her crap." Sammy shrugged. "I don't take crap from anybody."

David turned around then nudged Sammy and he turned around.

"Aren't you supposed to be in first period?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I turned around and couldn't help but laugh at the irony, it was the principal herself.

"I-I was just going for a walk." Sammy stuttered.

"Or were you just wandering the halls with your friends?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him.

Sammy sighed and gave in.

"Yes ma'am." he said not making eye contact with anyone.

"That's no way to start a semester." she scolded him. "Maybe a detention would help get you back on the right track?"

"Yes ma'am." Sammy groaned.

"Good. I'll see you after school today until 4:00." she paused and looked him up and down. "Are you just gonna stand there all day?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Uh, no, ma'am. I mean, yes, ma'am. I mean I'm just um..." Sammy stuttered.

"Is it yes or no?" She asked impatiently.

"No ma'am." Sammy sighed.

"That's what I thought. Now get moving." she said in a prissy voice. Then she strutted away with her heals making clicking noises on the ground as she walked away.

"I liked how you didn't take any of her crap, Sammy." I smirked shoving him.

"Yes ma'am! No ma'am!" David mocked.

"Shut up." Sammy mumbled. I walked into my first period class, physics, just in time for the morning announcements.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!" The principle's voice rang over the speaker. "Welcome to this brand new year, here at Rydell High!" She was way too enthusiastic for my liking. "This Saturday is our very first pep rally, at seven pm on the football field. Make sure you come out to support our football team and Coach Callahan!"

I would probably show up, but I would have to ask people if they're going.

"And now for the good news." Ms. Jensen began. "This is probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened at Rydell high! A national television show has chosen Rydell high as a representative high school and is going to do a live broadcast from our gym!"

This earned cheers from students around the classroom. I smiled but I didn't cheer or clap.

"This will be a perfect chance for us to show the country what great students we have here, at Rydell high!"

I saw Matty start cheering from the front of the classroom. I snorted.

Sandy's POV

I had discovered that me and Franny have the same lunch period now. I couldn't help but wonder what period Danny has lunch. I haven't seen him since the summer and I honestly missed him.

Me and Franny were walking to the cafeteria together to meet up with her friends. I knew one of them, Jane, but I didn't know many of the others and I was nervous to meet them.

As we approached the table Franny said "Hey guys." and sat down.

"Sandy, sit down." Franny said and I realized I was still standing. I can be such a ditz sometimes.

"Hey Franny." A really pretty brunette girl greeted.

"Hey Fran." Jane chimed in smiling.

"Fran." I heard a familiar voice say from next to me. I turned around to look at her. Unfortunately I could recognize that voice instantly, it was none other than Reese. I felt my stomach drop.

A/N: hey guys! I know it's been like 34 days since I updated, but who's counting? This was just a really hard chapter to write with all the POV changes and stuff, I'm sorry if it's confusing but I wanted it to be similar to the movie. I tried my best when writing in Danny's POV but that's hard. Happy summer! (Unless you're still in school)

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