Chapter 15

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"This is it." Danny said as we approached a two story house on stilts. It was a nice house with faded blue paint and a garage. I smiled like an idiot.

Danny gave me a tour of the entire house. The first floor consisted of a cute tiny kitchen, a living room with a nice TV and shag carpet, a bathroom, and two bedrooms.

He showed me his bedroom which as expected, was a complete mess. Then he showed me mine with a neatly made queen sized bed. I was in the mood to just be immature and cheery  so as soon Danny helped me put my stuff down I ran up and started jumping on it.

Danny laughed and shook his head, but joined in anyway. After awhile, I let myself fall back down onto the bed and lay there tired and worn out.

"You're so weird." Danny said teasing me.

"Thank you."

"That's what I like so much about you." he said smiling kind of to himself. My heart got all tingly trying to figure out what he meant and soon I was smiling too.

The upstairs was only an extra bedroom and bathroom. He said that's where his parents used to sleep, but they don't stay here with him anymore.

This was the first time I had seen Danny without a jacket on and I couldn't help but look for bruises. I didn't find any. His mom sounded like a monster and I wish I could take Danny away from her forever.

"Do you have your phone on you?" Danny asked. he had something planned.

"Yeah..." I had said pulling it out of my small shorts pocket awkwardly. He took it from me and placed it on a nightstand as I sat up.

"Anything else electronic on you?"

I felt my pockets. "No but I wanted my phone to take pict.."

"You can do that another time." Danny insisted interrupting me.

I sighed and did what he asked.

"Why?" I whined.

"You'll see."

I sighed again but couldn't help but grin. He had something planned and he looked so excited. It was cute.

He led me out the door and showed me around the little island we were on. Then he made me close my eyes and lead me somewhere. Who actually did stuff like this in real life?

"Okay." Danny said.

I laughed "Can I open my eyes now?"

"No!" Danny almost shouted covering my eyes.

"Alright I won't." I promised. "Calm down."

"Take your shoes off."

"Ok..." I said confused. I hopped on one foot trying to take off my my right sandal. I held on to Danny for support and balanced myself. But then I needed both hands to actually take it off so Danny held on to me to keep me from falling over.

Once I had both shoes off, Danny walked me forward a little bit. "Okay." he said mocking a tourist guide. "This last place is the pool." he shoved me forward and before I knew it I was falling. I screamed as I fell into the cold water fully clothed and opened my eyes.

I looked up to see Danny laughing at me. He was going to pay. I pretended I was coughing and drowning.

Danny stopped laughing. "Hey are you um, okay?" He asked concerned.

I continued coughing and shook my head. Soon I felt the splash of him jumping in and he swam towards me. He kinda grabbed me by the waist but after that he seemed kinda unsure of what to do.

I stopped coughing.

"Never Mind." I said smirking. Danny let go off me.

He started splashing me. Thank god the pool was empty.

"You scared me." He scolded me.

"You scared me." I said giggling as I splashed him back.

We also walked the beach later, but when it got late we decided to go back to the house and watch a movie. He had a collection of dvds and tapes there.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "Do you like Disney movies?" I asked hopefully, knowing that he'd probably say no.

"Yeah. Just not princess movies." Fair enough. We finally decided to watch The Lion King because Danny was so shocked when I said I had never watched that movie from beginning to end.

At some point in the movie me and Danny got really close to each other and our bodies were kind of touching. Sparks were sent through my body.

I glanced at the clock, it was around midnight and I was really tired. Eventually, I fell asleep before the movie ended and I realized later that I probably fell asleep on Danny. I guess I'll never see The Lion King from start to finish.

I woke up in my bed so Danny must of put me there unless I walked there in my sleep. When I remembered where I was I smiled at the ceiling. I had been there one day and I already was having a blast.

A/N: I know this chapter was kinda cliche but wasn't it cute? If you haven't figured it out them being at the beach is following the song Summer Nights and this is finally following the movie/play. I put the lyric video up there for you guys.

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