Chapter 3

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The bell rang, announcing the end of school. Me, Franny and Jane, Franny's friend, stood up out of our seats where we talked and went on our phones  the whole period. Jane wasn't coming to Relay For Life though.

"Bye Jane!" Franny called as we headed towards our school's football field.

"So, who's coming to this?" I asked. I didn't know that many people  in Deca. I'm so anti-social.

"My friends Danny and David are." said Franny, "Do you know them?" I shook my head. I hadn't even heard of them. "They're a grade ahead of us." she explained.

"A Danny," I said, "How appropriate." in my favorite musical Grease, the two leads are Sandy and Danny, and a couple too.

Franny laughed. "I know right."

"Anyone else you know coming? We are spending the night there." I asked.

"Oh yeah," said Franny glumly. "Matty's coming, I think we both know who she is." Matty was an overly perky cheerleader and the most popular kid in school. She was also annoying as hell.

I groaned. "I thought she was doing student gov." I said. "She is the class president after all."

"Not enough people joined the student gov booth." explained Franny. "So she had to join our's at the last minute."

"Maybe she'll be too busy socializing and flirting with other people for us to notice her." I said hopefully.

"Maybe." said Franny grumpily.

We approached the football field and walked over to our booth along the track. The actual booth and table was already set up with the food we left in the teacher's lounge. I brought my infamous  homemade brownies. All that was left to do was set up the decor.

Coincidently our booth's theme was Grease. We had a  Greased Lightning to set up by our booth and we were going to charge people two  bucks to take a picture in it.

Me and Franny were the only people there besides the teacher chaperone, Ms.Lancer. Lots of kids were going home, then coming back so they  could bring stuff that they needed for the night. Me and Franny brought everything with us.

"Let's wait till more people get here to set up the decorations." suggested Franny.

"Okay." I agreed. "Do you have the tent?" Normally anyone staying the night would bring a tent to sleep in, but since our Relay team is so small, Franny brought a 10 person tent for us to stay in.

"Yeah." answered Franny. "I have no idea how to set it up though." Franny hinted to Ms.Lancer, who end up doing most of the work.

"Hey Fran!" A voice called. I looked over in the direction of the voice.

I saw a blond boy with short hair and green eyes running towards our booth. In one hand he held a red baseball cap and in the other he had a bunch of blue cupcakes.

"Hey David!" Franny smiled. They joined in an overly friendly hug. I had a feeling Franny had a crush on him. I can usually tell. "What type of cupcakes are those?"

"Blueberry velvet." David answered.

"That sounds good! Can I have one?" Franny asked. I just stood there awkwardly waiting to be introduced. Why was I like this?

"For three dollars you can."

"Three dollars?" Franny said, practically outraged. "You need to work to work on the price."

"I know." David smirked.

"Set up the table while I hang up some decorations." Franny commanded David.

"Yes ma'am." David joked. I noticed how Franny gave him a job to do that would be near her.

Franny stood up on a chair with black and red streamers in her hand. "Here Sandy," started Franny. "You can help  with the streamers." she suggested.

I brought a chair over to the other side of the booth, grabbed a roll of duct tape and stood on top of the chair.

"Did you just call her Sandy?" David asked in amazement as Franny tossed me the streamers.

"Yep." I awnsered for Franny. "That is my name after all." I taped the red streamer and motioned for Franny to toss me the black one.

"So let me get this straight." David began."Our booth is themed Grease and we have a Sandy and a Danny? I thought it was already awesome that we had a Danny. But we have a Sandy too? This is great!" David was way too entertained by that. I nodded.

Franny tossed me the black streamers and I taped them. "Where is Danny?" Franny asked.

"Oh. He's coming with Grease Lightning." David explained.

"Where is he getting it from?" I asked. I expected that it was from a dump.

"Kyle." David answered. I had seen picture of it. It was a peice of junk. But I knew Kyle, and he was a piece of junk too, so it made since.

"Why does Kyle have a car like that?" Franny asked.

David shrugged. "He keeps saying he's going to fix it up."

"Wow." I said. "Does the engine even work?" I asked.

"Barely." David responded.

"Did you hear that Kyle is dating Reese?" asked Franny. I said no at the same time that David said yes.

I couldn't help but feel hatred bubbling up inside of me as Reese's name was mentioned. David gave me a look of shock because I didn't know about her personal life.

"Makes sense." I shrugged.

A minute or so later, I heard the sound of a really crappy engine. "Sounds like Danny's here." said David and we all jogged over to the track to see.

Driving towards our booth was a guy that I assumed was Danny. The car looked as if it might fall apart any second.

When the car got close enough for me to see, the first thing I saw was Danny's beatiful blue eyes. I usually like brown eyes, but when I saw his eyes it made me love blue eyes. I got lost in his eyes, they were so many shades of blue at once.

As the car got even closer I noticed Danny's dark floppy hair that seemed to fall just right, then his goofy smile filled with perfect white teeth. I smiled. Did I seirously like a guy named Danny? That was too ironic.

Danny drove onto the grass next to our booth and turned the car around to face the track. He came out of the car with a goofy smirk still on his face.

"Hey guys." Danny said. (Even his voice was hot).

"Hey Danny" said Franny. She was always the first person to say hello.

Danny's amazing eyes searched the booth and then landed on me. I felt my heart freeze in my chest.

"Who's that?" Danny asked Franny.

Franny walked me over to him as my heart beated twice as fast as it usually does and giggled. "Danny, meet Sandy."

I waved. "Really?" Danny asked . I would of been annoyed but his voice was way too cute.

"Really." I said.

"Wow." there was an akward silence that followed and I tried not to stare into his eyes, until Danny finally said "Nice to meet you Sandy." in a really goofy voice and knelt down. He grabbed my hand and kissed it, then gave me that goofy smile. I hoped he didn't notice how fast my heart was beating.

"Nice to meet you too Danny." I played along as I give him a curtsy. We both laughed, but what he didn't realize was that I actualy liked him. I liked someone named Danny.

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