Chapter 29

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Tim and I walked together to the first Trivia Team meeting after classes on Monday. I tried holding hands with him on the way there but he let go of my hand without an explanation. I guess it was uncomfortable.

I suppose me and Tim were pretty much an official couple now, even though we hadn't discussed it. I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about Tim. He was sort of....boring.

I've discovered that his only interest is Doctor Who and as much as I love Doctor Who, I can only talk about it for so long. Half of his wardrobe was Doctor Who stuff as well, and that got old pretty fast.

I also didn't like his taste in music. He was obsessed with this band called Shpongle or something and I couldn't stand them. Their music was literally just sounds- and I'm not saying that cause they're bad at their instruments or something- their music is legit just sounds.

I kept trying to tell myself I was being too picky about Tim. If I hadn't dated Danny I would've settled for Tim, but when I was with Danny it felt a lot more satisfying than this did.

We got to the classroom where the Trivia Team meeting was being held and Tim went in ahead of me without holding the door open. I didn't think he was being rude, I genuinely felt like he just doesn't think of those things.

I sat down next to Tim and said hello to Mr. Connolly who held the Trivia Team meetings. He was my teacher last year and I really like him, he talks with a heavy Irish accent and he's very witty.

We didn't have to try out for the Trivia Team because not enough people wanted to join, but we were taking a test to see who would be team captain and stuff.

Right as Mr. Connolly was passing out said tests, the last person I'd expect to be there came into the room.

I tried not to have too much of a reaction as Danny shut the door behind him and sat across from me. Mr. Connolly seemed just as shocked as I was, but he didn't say anything and he handed Danny a test just like everyone else.

We made eye contact and he pretended like it was perfectly normal for him to be here, not unpredictable at all. I broke it quickly by digging through my back pack for a pencil. I was sure I had one in there, I just couldn't find it.

Tim looked over at me then back at the test. I heard a noise and looked up to realize that Danny had rolled a pencil towards me from across the table.

"Thanks." I mumbled before putting my book bag down and starting my test.

It was a very hard test but I tried my best and I thought I did pretty well. I completed and went over my answers before handing it to Mr. Connolly. Everyone except Danny and some freshman I didn't recognize was done. Mr. Connolly was already starting to grade them.

Danny seemed like he was struggling a lot with the test. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and I could see the frustration on his face. I honestly did feel bad for him. I couldn't help but think he was here for me and he was really trying his best.

Tim was the first one to finish and that made me a little wary but he seemed very confident about his test. He tapped his foot to the beat of the Doctor Who theme (I'm not even kidding) and stared at the ceiling until everyone finished.

Danny ran a hand through his hair as he continued the test and somehow his messy pushed back hair made him look even more attractive.

I looked back at Tim and felt bad for thinking about how attractive Danny looks when he pushes his hair back like that. There was nothing wrong with Tim; he was nice, smart, liked Doctor Who. There just wasn't much to him, he was very simpleminded.

I guess he had feelings for me because he took me out for dates and he kissed me but he really didn't show that he had feelings for me. He wasn't a very emotional person in general.

There was just no spark when I was with him. Danny made me feel the way I did when the pizza man came, or like I had just got a lootcrate in the mail.

I wondered if Tim even really cared about me. Maybe he just saw me as a cute girl who liked Doctor Who and nothing else. I'm sure he didn't feel like his favorite band released a new single when he saw me and I surely didn't feel like my favorite limited time crunch wrap slider from Taco Bell became a permanent menu item when I saw him.

Part of me wanted to break up with Tim but I had no idea what I'd tell him if I did.

I twirled a piece of my hair while I waited for everyone to finish the test.

Danny eventually gave up on the test and turned it in, trying to act like he didn't just bomb it, but I was pretty sure he did.

Mr. Connolly graded the two remaining tests quickly before saying everyone's score out loud.

I got a 78% which was actually pretty good for that test. It was the highest score so far.

Mr. Connolly read out Tim's score and I sat up in my seat from shock. Tim scored a 100%. I didn't think that was even possible. It turns out Tim does know about more than Doctor Who and underground bands that can't play their instruments. You'd never know from having a conversation with him.

One other person scored higher than me but no one had anything much lower than me. Mr. Connolly didn't say Danny's score out loud and just walked over and showed it to him. Danny looked embarrassed and I felt bad for him.

Mr. Connolly gave a short spiel on how we're at a good start but we have some improvement to do.

The meeting ended and we all left. Tim went in the opposite direction as me. I saw Danny walking a few feet ahead of me looking pretty upset and did something that even shocked me.

"Danny!" I called.

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