Chapter 7

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Ever since Relay for Life all my thoughts were about Danny. Instead of getting yelled at for reading in class I got yelled at for day dreaming.

It was time for lunch. Franny had lunch a different period so I sat outside by myself. I usually read on my iPad, but since I was so focused on Danny I sneaked playing games instead.

I was in my own little world when I heard someone approach my spot against the wall. I tensed up. "How's your 'book'"I heard a voice say.

I automatically panicked and flinched. there was so many bad things that could happen. It could be a teacher busting me for playing games, it could be some bully that came to beat me up, etc. I quickly turned off my iPad and looked up.

Oh thank god. It was Danny. I didn't know he had lunch this period. I automatically wondered why in the world he came up to me.

He laughed "What did I scare you?" he asked sitting down next to me.

"Pttp! no!" I said trying to play it cool. Even though in my head I was going ajilvkl.

Danny gave me a look that said, really Sandy? and I just burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay" I gave in. "You scared me." Danny smirked seeming really happy with himself.

"I didn't know you had lunch this period." I said nonchalantly.

"I didn't know you had lunch this period." Danny said matter-of-factly. I laughed awkwardly and after 4 or 5 seconds of silence Danny turned to me.

"So, how hung over were you on "Saturday?" Danny asked. I guess we all make small talk in different ways.

"I wasn't hungover!" I lied. "I was only a little tipsy at Relay for life."

Danny gave me that 'really?' look again and I sighed. "Fine, I was wasted as toilet paper and I felt like a had a concussion. Happy?"

Danny laughed.

He had this light blue shirt on that really brought out the color in his eyes, I was resisting the urge to stare into them when the bell rang. I jumped.

"Someone's jumpy." Danny teased and I punched him playfully in the shoulder.

We both stood up and I was about to start walking away when Danny leaned in for a hug(afkjghh) but when he hugged me he hit one of my worser bruises from Reese.

I winced and Danny quickly pulled away. I noticed panic in Danny's eyes. "Why did you wince like that?!" Danny said concerned. "Did I hurt you?"

" be late for class." I mumbled walking away as fast as I could. I didn't dare look away from the ground.

"Sandy wait!" Danny called to me he put a hand on my shoulder as gentle as possible. "I'll walk you to class, just let me know who hurt you."

I looked up at him. He looked like he was more scared than I was. Why did he care so much about me? I couldn't tell him that Reese beat me up, I think they were friends.

"I don't want you to be late." I said, figuring it was a good enough excuse.

"Hey." Danny said soothingly. It was actually really comforting. "Don't worry bout me. I want to help you." I looked into his eyes to try and see if I could trust him.

His eyes seemed really kind, but did that really mean anything? Could I trust Danny?

a/n: what's Sandy gonna do?! I hope you get to see this Lali!


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