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"Thank you for helping me."

Jungkook focused on driving somewhere while Y/n was sitting beside him.

"I'm not helping you, I'm just saying the truth." He replied.

Silence filled the atmosphere for a moment until he spoke again.

"I felt sorry for being rude to you so I'm here to apologise. I was worried about Jimin so I couldn't control my anger, I'm sorry."

"It is totally fine." She replied.

Her mind replayed what happened on that day. Jimin's darkened face, that young boy and that man.

"Don't get involve in it, Y/n." He warned her in a soft tone.

"I won't and I'm sorry."

He stopped the car as they reached their destination. She turned to her right and looked at the Japanese restaurant that is filled with customers.

"I know you are craving Japanese food so I brought you here, it is a famous place. I hope it will not disappoint you." Other than saying sorry, this is his way to apologise sincerely.

Their dinner ended smoothly and the atmosphere between them was good.

They did start to get a little closer with the condition that he knows her very well but she doesn't. 

"Mr Jung, how is everything?"

The black luxury car is moving forward from the start of the bridge. Other vehicles can be seen.

"He is under my control, don't worry, Mr Park." The other line answered.

"Well done, Mr Jung. If he changes his mind later, we will change our plan too. It is not your first time so I know you know what I mean."

Mr Park wanted Mr Jung to use illegal ways to obtain the result they want. Mr Park has been using this way to achieve his goals for a few years already.

Law isn't able to punish him as he always has his own way to exclude himself.

"Yes, Mr Park."

The call ended and his driver is still driving forward as his car is in the middle of the bridge now.

He stared out of the window and a sudden thought came into his mind.

"Did you hear the story about this bridge?" He asked his driver.

"Yes, Sir. The guardians of the bridge."

"I do love to meet them but they seem to be busy to care about me." He started to chuckle.

Guardians of the bridge? Funny.

Silence falls after his brave comment. His driver peeked at him through the rear-view mirror.

He is scared about the guardians of the bridge and also him.

Sometimes, his driver will hear about the things that he shouldn't. He is still safe and alive because he doesn't know the whole story and he doesn't feel interested in it.

That's how he survived.

From the start to the end of the bridge, they didn't face any problems.

Didn't the guardians of the bridge will punish this kind of person like Mr Park?

Why they didn't punish him?

𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙎 𝙊𝙁 𝘽𝙍𝙄𝘿𝙂𝙀. ✔Where stories live. Discover now