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I seem to start all my fanfics this way, don't I? 😂
Okay, so this is an experiment.

I feel really bad for not completing the sequels back on hannahb0101, (the account that APPARENTLY became invalid all of a sudden.) I have currently been rereading the originals, and here's the emoji that I feel like is best suited to represent my face: 😷

I CANT BELIEVE the typing errors and crap. And my writing in General is pretty bad.


I've been working on the next four parts for Fateful September over here, and I'm about to post them when I gain back a couple more views. I've been rereading and re-rereading and so on...editing them and having my friend edit them. They should be better.

This book has nothing to do with any past-written book. I feel like I'm rambling, but...*loses train of thought*

So...I'll try not to be such a failure as a person?

I really hope this one yanks me out of the clouds...

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