Chapter Twenty-One

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**Third P.O.V.*

Oobleck: Students. You may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntsman and Huntresses has begun! from this moment forwards you need to do exactly as I say do you understand?!

They all nod and Oobleck notices ruby still has her bag with her.

Oobleck: Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all of your bags at the school.

Ruby: But, uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.

William: Ruby that doesn't make sense.

Oobleck: She not wrong. Very well, Ruby, leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: But I uh-

Oobleck: Young lady what in the world could you possibly have in the bag that could be so important to bring-

Intrupteing the Porffesor/Doctor Zwei poping out of the bag.

Ruby:*whisper* Get back in the bag.

Oobleck: We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility, and you brought a dog?

Ruby: Uh well-

Oobleck: Genius!

Her team looks at her confused as Ruby shrugged. Oobleck ran by ruby grabbing Zwei knocking her down in the process.

Oobleck:*spining around* Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours.

William: That's good is thinking Ruby. Nice Job.

Ruby: I'm a genius.

Her teammates sigh to themselves over her foolishness.

Blake: What are your orders doctor.

OObleck: Ah, yes, straight to the point*droping the corgi* I like it! As you have been informed, the Southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being... Grimm.

Ruby: Uh, What?

William: He means there is an enemy contact about one hundred yards from us*aims his stg44*

Team RWBY turns around to see a lone Beowulf they aim their weapons ready to attack it.

Oobleck: Stop everyone.

Blake: Huh?

As they lower their weapons.

Oobleck: There are several reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent.

Ruby: So... what will we do?

Oobleck: We wait. We track. If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

William: Oh I love to have a stack out.

Blake: How long do we wait?

Oobleck: It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why lone Grimm are known to stay isolated from the pack for months- and there's the whole pack.

Appear a Beowolf pack.

Weiss: What?

Oobleck: And now they've seen us.

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