Chapter Six

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William pov.

I feel numb...... like I ran a hundred miles for the first and twenty push up but at the same time I'm laying on a soft bed, I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm not on the battlefield except I'm in a room, a hospital room. I try to get up but my soreness took over and I laid back down.

???: I suggest you lay back down Mr. Johnson. You are still injured.

I look to my right and see a man in his late forties, wearing a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly of an unzipped black suit over dark green, buttoned vest, and green shirt.

Me: Who are you.

Ozpin: My name is professor Ozpin.

Me: Where am I?

Ozpin: You are in Becaon Academy.

Me: I never hear of that, anyways can you get my commanding officer I need to ask what is the situation of the Okinawa.

The professor sighs to himself before looking at me with sympathy.

Ozpin: I'm sorry young man but you not on Okinawa nor on Earth anymore.

Me: What?

The professor tells me that his students found me in a forest called Emerald Forest, so like something from a fairy tale, and tells me that they read my journal that one of his students found or snooping I'll say. They were...... shocked by my apart taking of the war who else wouldn't I lived through the war. He tells me that I'me in a world call Remnant and I'm in one of the four countries or kingdom he says of Vale the others are Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas. Why do these cities sound like the country of Greece during Ancient times?

After he finishes explaining to me, I just shock and sorrow that I won't join my fellow marine and friends or my family. Hell, I don't know if the war ended.

Ozpin: Are you okay, Mr. Joshson?

Me: Um yeah it is just a lot to take in. I thought I died on that island.

Ozpin: Well-

Before continuing he was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door, ozpin yell for them to come in and as the door open I see two figures one was a male wearing a former general military uniform, and the other was a female wearing questionable clothing. (Remember he's born during the forties)

Glynda: Hello my name is Glynda goodwitch.

Ironwood: And I am General Ironwood.

Me: Ma'ma.Sir.*salutes*

Ironwood:*salutes back* Soldier.

I twitch my eye not like what he said because you never.never.ever. calls soldiers.

Ironwood: I take it that Ozpin explains it to you what situation you are in.

Me: Yes, sir. The fact is that I'm not home and I possibly died in battle, just to be alive in this world. I say that I am FUBAR.

Glyanad: What do you mean by FUBAR.


Glynda: Watch your language young man.

Me: Ma'ma don't your not my parent nor I'm your child so treat me with respect and I'll treat you the same.

Glynda: WHY-

Ozpin: Enough Glynda. Now Mr. William since you are not from around here and you don't have anywhere to live I think you should live here in the academy.

Ironwood: Now wait for a minute. Mr.William is a soldier so I think he should come to join the Atlas military.

Glynda: Absolute not, this young man been through to much and seen too much death. He needs to live in normal life.

Ozpin: I agree with Gyanda, James, he needs to live what teenage life he has left and be with the children among his age.

Ironwood: A soldier is soldier Ozpin and he should be in the field fighting against the enemy.

Ozpin: I say we let Mr.William decide.

As they look at me waiting for my answer and I think about the two, for one I don't know what this academy teaches, the second is the military which it sounds great but I don't trade in flags that sound like I'm betraying my country.

Me: I'm sorry General Ironwood but I'm going to go with Ozpin, the offer is great though I don't want to portray my country.

Ironwood: I understand and I admire that loyal to one country but the offer is there if you wanted.

Me: Thank you, sir.

Ozpin: Great, now the doctor says that you won't be discharged after four weeks. Then after that, I'll have you assign to a team and you'll be joining their class but sad to say that you'll be starting late and have tons of work to do while attending the previous class.

Me: Don't worry I'm a fast learner and fast reader so don't worry about it.

Ozpin: Excellent, now a nurse will come and check on you soon, we'll be out of your way letting you rest.

Me: Ok Sir.

Ozpin: Now I'll see you soon.

Me: Have a good day sirs and ma'ma.

Glynda/Ironwood: Have a good day.

As the teachers left the room, I left me to my thoughts.

Me: *sigh* what did I got myself into and what type of school is this?

(That is it for this chapter and I hope you guys like this. So I'll be working on this the most and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Washinton out)

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