Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Third P.O.V.*

We view the teammates sleeping close to the fire and Doctor Oobleck sleeping on the upstairs except for ruby as she took Williams's place as he sleeps near the corner holding a grease gun in case of a battle. Two members wake up during the night.

Yang: Blake, are you awake?

Blake: Yeah.

Yang: Why do you think he asks us about being a Huntress? What was he trying to say?

Blake: He was probably curious.

Yang: You think?

Blake: No.

Yang: Weiss, are you awake?

Weiss: Of Course I'm Awake! You two are talking! And I think he... When I said I wanted to honor my family's name I meant it, it's not what you think. I'm not stupid. I am fully aware of what my father has done with the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control, or business has operated in a..... moral gray area.

Blake: That's putting it lightly.

Weiss:*sits up looks at her teammates* Which is why I feel the need to make things right. If I had taken a job in Atlas, it wouldn't have changed anything. My father was not the start of our name, and I refuse to let him be the end of it.*lays back down*

Blake: All my life, I fought for what I thought was right. I had a partner named Adam. More like a Mentor, actually. He always assured me that what we're doing makes the world a better place. Bur, of course, his idea of a perfect future turned out to be not perfect for everyone. I joined the Academy because I knew that Huntsmen and Huntresses were regarded as the noblest warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy, what will I... How can I do so many years of hate?

Yang: I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're not one to back down from a challenge, Blake.

Blake: But I am! I do it all the time! When you learned I was a Faunus, I didn't know what to do, so I ran. When I realize my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran. Even my Semblance. I was born the ability to leave behind a shadow of myself an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away. When I told William*looks at marine* about myself who I am. I thought he was going to be disgusted with and hate me but-

Yang: He didn't though.

Blake: No.

Yang: Well at least two have something that drives you. I've just kind of always, go with the flow. And that's fine, but I mean, that's who I am. but how long can I do that for? I wanna be Huntress, not really because I want to be a hero, but because I want adventure. I want a life where I won't know what tomorrow will bring. And that'll be a good thing. Being a Huntress just happens to line up with that. I'm not like Ruby*looks at her sister* She always wanted to be a Huntress. It's like she said Every since she was a kid dreamt about being the heroes in the books. Helping people and saving the day and never asking any for return. Even when she couldn't fight she knew that's what she want to do. That's why she trains so hard to get where she is today.

Weiss: Well, she is still a kid.

Blake: She's only two years younger and we're all kids.

Yang: Well, not anymore. I mean look around where were are! In the middle of a warzone and armed to the teeth!

 Blake: It is the life we choose.

Weiss: It's a job. We all had this romanticized vision of being Huntress in our heads! But at the end of the day, it is a job to protect the people! And Whatever we want, will have to come second.

Unknown to the three of them the doctor was listening to their conversation smerks before falling asleep again.

There was a moment of silence before Yang bring up William.

Yang: What about William?

Blake: Huh?

Yang: Why do you think chose to be a marine?

Weiss: I've been wondering about that too. He's a nice man, Helpful, kind, strong, smart and thinks about everyone. So why? This Marine corp sound hard it made him harden.

Blake: Well, he didn't-

Before she continues, they hear Willaim grunting, moaning, and yelling in his sleep then shout names like Rogers get down or take cover as he moves violently in his sleep.

Blake quickly moves to him petting his hair and saying shhhhh to him several times.

Blake: Shhhh, it's okay William. It is okay. Your safe now. Shhhhh.

Eventually, he clams down smiles in his sleep, but his teammates see a tear coming down his cheek.

Blake look back at her teammates they were concerned for the marine.

Yang: What was that?

Blake: That was a night terror. One of the side effects of PTSD.

Weiss: He's been dealing with them every night.

Blake: Yes, most of the time I sleep next to him just to calm down......... To answer your question Yang, no he didn't have a choice.

Yang: What do you mean he didn't? Everyone always has a choice.

Blake: Not for him....... Remember the journal.

Yang/Weiss: Yes/Yeah.

Blake: Well, His country was in depression meaning the economy collapsed and people were left jobless and hungry. His family had to live in the streets or Hoovertown as he called it. He and his family had to work on finding jobs just to survive even he had to resort to stealing food.

Yang:  That's Awful!

Blake: I know I was surprised myself......  In his journal, as they enter a new decade their new president turns the country around, and put people back to work even his parents buy a farm.

Weiss: Well, that's great things turn around.

Blake: Not exactly, his parents were in debt. About twenty thousand dollars.

Yang: Whoa that's a lot.

Weiss: How are they going to pay it off.

Blake: To be honest they weren't sure either. They work many jobs and sell their farm products, but it wasn't enough. So Will decided to join the marine figure it might help them out, and it did but it cause him to fight the war. I guess you can say he is similar to Ruby,  brave, talented, unselfish, and kind.

Yang: Yeah. I bet it feels nice to sleep next to him, uh Blake.

Blake: What are talking about?

Yang: Come on look a handsome man and that man is who you like.

Blake: *blushes* Yang you got wrong. I'm just doing as a friend.

Yang: Whatever you say. 

Weiss: Blake, just admit it you like him.

Blake: No, I don't!

Weiss/Yang: Sure you don't/You should work on that.

Blake: *blushes* shut up the both of you. Yang takes the next watch.

Yang: You can't escape it.

As Yang goes to ruby trading places. Blake looks at William petting his hair one more time.

Blake: *blushes* "He is pretty cute when he sleeps".

Blake leans over and kisses his forehead a smile appears on Willaim. She blushes more as she moves back to her sleeping bag and went back to sleep.

( that's it, guys. I hope you like it and I'll see you in the next chapter. Washinton Out)

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