Chapter 3 William journal part one

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Third pov.

Blake opens the man journal on the first page was Big letter saying August 1942.....WAR.

Blake: August 1942...WAR. The World is at war.

Ruby: What does that mean that?

Yang: Ruby let her finish.  

Ruby: Sorry

Blake: It been three years since the Second World War started and it's getting worse by the year. It began in 1939 when Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland, the Polish didn't stand chance against superpowers, and it took a month before Poland fell, France and Britain declare war on Nazi Germany since both nations were allied with Poland but the Germans got the upper hand and push Allied forces to a city in northern France called Dunkirk. 

This was bad for the Allies but Britain save its armies and their allies from destruction but soon later France fell to the Germans. Britain fought alone against the Axis Power for two years, the US was still suffering from the depression and the citizens did not want to get involved with the Europe wars, but our president Rosevelt made a deal with the government to send weapons, tanks, planes, and supplies to Britains and other Allied forces.

The Faunus pause for the amount to absorb the information, team Rwby was shocked that an enemy took two countries in a short amount of time while the general and the two professors were surprises.

 Yang: Whoa.

Ironwood: Such power and the germans took two countries over a month.

Ruby: Why would they do that.

Ozpin: Mhmm. Please, Miss Belladonna, continue.  

Blake:*turns the page* In 1941, the war went from bad to worst, Germany and Italy took most of Europe and are attacking Britain and the French resistance colonies in Africa while thier ally Japan was dominating in the pacific. Then on December 7th, on a Sunday morning, the Japanese air forces bombed pearl harbor destroying or damaging battleships and some destroyers and some of our airfields, the casualty count was 2,403 and including civilians. This attack was supposed to knock out our naval power and want to force the U.S into seeking peace but what they did is not only pissing off the sleeping Giant, this made the U.S. government declare war on Japan and retaliation we sent bomber planes and bombed the Japanese industrial though it did do much, it shows that we are still in the fight and that they not invincible.   

Again this was surprising to the students and the general except professor Ozpin he knew that human beings would keep fighting even though all is lost they would keep fighting for freedom.

Ruby: How could those monsters kill innocent people.

Glynda: Ruby, those types of people would do anything to get what they want even if it means killing innocent lives.

Wiess: I'm surprised they would fight back even they were defeated and took out of thier naval power they still fought back.

Ironwood: Miss. Schnee, if you have something to fight for, you do anything to keep it.

Ozpin looks at the marine and wonder if he can help him fight the war against her.

 Blake: *Turns the next page and continues* Though our little bombing does much, the Axis powers still have the advantage and we need to fight back somehow. In 1941 The Germans attack the Soviet Union with three million troops and they slowly made thier way to the capital, but we can't help the Russians besides supplying them we have our own problems in the pacific against the Japanse they took most of the Pacific Islands even our colonies in the pacific.

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