Chapter Fifteen

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Sun and Blake made thier way to the highway as they jump from car to car as Torchwick is cashing them. William pursues the mech as he fires 30 cal machine guns making their marks but no damage to it.

Yang and Neptune eventually catch up to the mech pulling up on the right side of it as it continues to chase after the hunters.

Yang: We need to slow it down!

Neptune: Got it!

Neptune tries to reach his weapon, but Roman sees them on his sensors. He crashes through cars sending them in the air towards the hunters.

Yang: Hang on!

Neptune: Wuh-ho!

Yang swerves and dodges debris of cars as Neptune flailing around in panic. In the clear Neptune grabs his weapon aiming before firing electric blue bolts at the Mech. Neptune flips the gun transforms it into a spear with a blue energy blade, he jumps from the bike splitting the blade into a trident stabbing the mech hanging off of it.

 Sun and Blake land on the car looking back notice Neptune hanging off of the mech.

Sun: Neptune hang on!

Neptune tries his best to hold but the mech making him dangling off the trident. Sun brings his palms together, and a golden aura forms around him, he creates two clones as they leap off striking the mech. They explode blinding torchwick this led Sun the opportunity to leap off bring his staff held high, but Roman sends Neptune flying towards Sun as they fly off the highway.

William: You got to be kidding me.

Weiss: Blake I am in position!

Weiss twirls over the highway and lands in the middle of the road, holding rapier at the Mech. Roman sees her smiling rushing towards her, Weiss spins and stabs the ground summoning a circle of ice.

William fires his rockest hitting the mech causing it to fall sliding across the ice Weiss jumps over it. The MEch falls from the highway landing on the ground where ruby is ready with her scythe, soon Blake, Weiss, Yang, and William are ready with their weapons out. Romans laugh and march towards the hunters.

(From 0:00 to 3:10)(Sorry I just wanted to get this chapter done)

Roman: *brush off his dress suit* I just got this clean. 

Yang cocks her weapon and shooting but was saved as a figure and deflects the blast. Appeared from the smoke was a girl holding an umbrella. 

Roman: Ladies, Soldier boy, Ice Queen

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Roman: Ladies, Soldier boy, Ice Queen.....

Weiss: HEY! 

William: What did you call me?!

Roman: Alway the pleasure. Neo if you would.

The Girl name Neo bow and as Yang run towards them run for her punch, but William shoots his 1911 at the criminals as they shatter like glass. 

The girls were shocked and confused about what happened as they looked around sporting bullhead flying by, Roman waved goodbye to them while Neo winks at the marine before disappearing into the dark sky.

Team RBY  and William run-up to the angry Yang.

Yang: I guess he has a new henchman.

Weiss: Yeah, I guess she made our plans.... fall apart*giggles*

William: Yeah No.

Blake walks away from the group.

Yang: No just no.

Weiss: What! But you do it.

Yang: There is a time and place.

Weiss: Well, this was not it?

Yang: No, it wasn't really good.

Weiss: Well, I'm trying!

William: Well, try hard Weiss.

Ruby: Wait where's Neptune and Sun?

William: Doing what every guy does after a long day of work.  

Ruby: And that is?

William: Eating food of course. Now we have to get back to the school before Miss Goodwitch catches us.

William summons his motorcycle got on it starts it up. This surprised the girls that he rides a bike.

Weiss: Since when you ride a motorbike.

William: It's a motorcycle. I've been riding since I was twelve.


William: Yeah, I had a job that was far so I had to lie about my age to get the job.

Ruby: When are you going to mention this?

William: No ask.

Ruby was about to say something but his answer was justified.

Yang: Man, if you told me about your bike we could race.

William: Yeah, maybe next time. You guys want a ride.

Yang: I would but I have my own bike and Ruby is ridding with me.

William: What about you bl-

He doesn't blake anywhere in sight, sighs, and looks towards Weiss is standing there.

William: Weiss, do you want a ride?

Weiss: Uh, no I'll get a taxis.

William: And how are going to do that while stuck down here. Come on Weiss I know you want to try.

Weiss was going to decline but realizing that William is right so she walks towards him to get on while holding his waist.

Yang: See you at Beacon!

Ruby: I think I want to trade PlllAAAACCCEEESSS!!!!!!

Yang speeds off as Ruby screaming in fear.

Weiss: Please don't go that fast.

William: Don't worry you'll be fine.

The marine drives fast speed but not to compare to Yang's super speed, this made Weiss yelp holding onto William tight. Wiess is afraid but deep down she enjoying the speed of the bike.

(Done, I have announcement and the reason to why I haven't update....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I...............................................................................................................................................................AM...........................................................................................................................................................A..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................UNCLE!!!!! YEAH SELBRASHTION!!!!!! FIREWORKS!!!!!!

Yup, my sister had a daughter not too long ago but I am telling you anything sorry pricey. I'll update soon. Washinton Out.   

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