Chapter four Journal part 2

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William pov.


After crawling down from the ship and onto the LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) and drove to the island, it was quiet among the men they would try to talk to each other but it usually short or they don't reply, I'm scared too but I knew that I'll be alright it was just that feeling that comes out when I'm in danger or nerves.

Jack: Nerves?

Me: Yeah. You?Jack: Yeah.Me: Well, we have each other back. right?Jack: Right.Jack friends: Yup/right/right on/ definitely.

LVT driver: 30 seconds!

Sargent: Men make sure you move off of the beach and keep the sand out of your weapons.

The marines and I wait until the doors open it felt like an hour before the ramp open, all at once we run and march out of the LVT I made sure my weapon was high in the air not touching the water or sand. Once we were out of the water I notice something that made me smirk and pissed. There were marines on the beach relaxing on the grass or beach and talking amongst each other and it looks like they didn't meet any resistance at all which I was glad that I don't have to get killed on the first day and piss that I was worked up for no reason.

Marine 1: What took you so long?Marine: *Laying on the beach* Welcome Guadalcanal.Lock: They worked us up for nothing.Sargent: No we did not, just because you didn't meet any resistance doesn't mean their not there.Mason: What mean Sargent?Me: he means that there watching us.

This made my friends and other marines quite and startle knowing that the Japanese left the beach for us and they could be out thier watching us and planning to attack us any time.

*Timeskip* ( I know I'm cutting through but it will take forever and I want to be in beacon part )

The company and I been a move for several hours now thier nothing but we cautiously move through the jungle ready for any firefight plus I heard that the japs torture thier prisoners and cut thier head off and I don't want that happening to me.

Jack: Hey, William, do you think we might fight some japs.

Me: I don't know, but what I do know is that their out there waiting for us.Lock: We'll be ready for them.George: Well that's new coming from you.Lock: What that's supposed to mean?!George: In school, you always run from a fight.Lock: Hey, I was a small and chubby kid I couldn't fight those guys.Mason: What about in high school you lost all that weight and grow tall, you still run away.Lock: Ok! I wasn't a fighter but I still get the girls, Hey Will, if you stick with me I can get you many girls you want.Then on cue, my friends laugh at Lock and I'm confused about why but I'm sure it's going to be funny.

George: hahaha, you try to flirt and kiss the beautiful girl in the school, and she slaps at you.Mason: Don't forget her boyfriend punch you in the face knocking out.Lock: Will, don't listen to them their idiots.Jack: The only idiot here is you.Lock: Oh shut up.Me: Haha, thanks for the offer Lock but I don't need any help.Lock: What you got a girl back home.Me: Yes.George: O really.Jack: You have a girl L why didn't you tell us, I thought you were buddies. I'm hurt, sad, and maybe a little hungry but that's, not my fault some lunch man didn't give me extra food.Me: Okay, first of all, we only just met like hours ago, and second on one ask.Lock: Well were sorry L but tell us anyway.Me: Well-Captain: Company holds up, were digging here tonight, so start digging your foxholes.Me: I'll tell you later.


We dug into the night but our Sargent kept us quiet due to not wanting the japs to hear and attack us, so we didn't talk for the rest of the night. The next day we walk through the jungle sometimes we hear gunfire and explosion in the distance this made us on edge throughout the whole day, three days later there nothing but trees, grass, and insects there were explosion and gunfire in the distance then we found dead bodies of marines and japs, some of the other marines were throwing up their lunch. As in now, we are digging in for the night waiting for the enemy, the Marines, or something.
Goerge: Hey, guys have you heard the news?Lock: No Goe I have not now. let me go back to sleep.Jack: No, what?Goerge: That the Japs navy destroy several of our destroys and our navel scramble into the ocean.Me: What?Goerge: Yeah and it's just us and other marine platoons.Me: Hey, guys thier move movement.

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