The Start of it all

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1979 Ethiopia

"Ari I can't believe we're risking our lives doing this again." I mumbled, holding onto the safety handle the was screwed into the roof of the beat up truck. "We have to Addi. It's not right that they're being obliterated because of their beliefs, they deserve the freedom we have in Jerusalem." Ari said, reaching out for my free hand linking his fingers with mine. "That's not why I'm saying that, I know we have to." I spoke, looking out the window to make sure Sammy was follow behind us. "Then why are you saying it?" He asked, driving through a field to keep trucks hidden, climbing out of the drivers side as I climbed out the passenger, taking off my flannel and tying it around my waist as the Ethiopian heat surrounded us, our skin becoming sticky by the second. "I'm irritated that the government won't help us, and we're leading people like Moses in hopes that maybe they'll let them in." I stated, jumping up on the back as Sammy sat across from us in his truck.

"She's got a point, this is getting ridiculous, we're spending months away from our families and our lives, with no government help." Sammy added as Ari jumped in the back with me, pressing kiss to my head before starting to do push ups. Sammy and I both rolling our eyes as we leaned back, my back against the hot metal of the beat up truck. "Calm down guy's they'll help, we just got to have proof that we're successful." Ari said, leaning back on his heels as I rolled my eyes. "You say that every time, yet here we are, 3 years in, no help." I stated, watching as Ari leaned over, pressing a hot kiss to my lips, Sammy groaning across from us. "Calm down princess, we'll have help." He smiled, pecking my lips one more time. "Where are they Ari?" Sammy asked as I looked over, hearing the commotion through the brush and gunshots going off.

"What the hell took so long?" Ari asked Kabede as we loaded all the people into the trucks, shutting the tailgate. "One of the children is still in the village." Kabede said, looking over at me as I looked at Ari. "Addi, no." He stated, before I took off running towards the brush that they came through, my feet betraying everything in my body. "Sammy, those trucks don't leave!" Ari yelled, running after me as I saw the boy, the truck barreling towards him. I picked up my speed, wrapping my arms around the young boy and diving into the brush, Ari following suit as he covered both of us, staying as silent as possible while we maneuvered towards the trucks, the young boy tucked in between us. He silently grabbed a tool box from the back of a truck, opening up the drivers door and placing it on the accelerator. I stood back, one arm around the young boys shoulders, and another on his forehead, keeping him as close to my body as possible, watching Ari. He pushed the gear shaft into drive, the truck accelerating forward as I looked over at him, sending him a nod before I ran off with the young boy, Ari right behind us.

We approached the trucks, lifting the young boy up to his mother before climbing into the car with Kabede, while climbed into Sammys truck. "You are a crazy mothereffer." Sammy spoke, shoving the gearshift into drive and following Ari down the path, laughing as I looked over at him. "I can't do this anymore, so I might as well go out with a bang." I smiled, leaning back against the headrest while Sammy looked over at me, sadness was apparent on his face. "So it's true, after this, you're done?" He asked as I nodded. "Ari keeps promising it'll be the last one, but every time there's more tribes that need our help. I get it, this is his passion, and he should follow it. I want to help, but the governments aren't helping Sammy, and they have no plans to." I sighed, rolling my head back to look forward. "Have you told Ari?" He asked as I shook my head. "I know when I leave this, I'm leaving my relationship with him behind. We met and fell in love while doing this. He's got his kid, and his ex wife that he needs to focus on." I murmured as Sammy nodded. "Well, good luck." He spoke, parking the truck as we got out. Ari grabbed our two bags from the back after unloading all the people, his arm wrapping around my waist. "To Sudan." He murmured, looking down at me, a small smile on his lips. "Let's go." I stated, pulling my body away from his and walking off, the tribe following me as I lead them through the desert.

"What's up with her?" Ari asked, trailing behind with Sammy as the two walked side by side. "Ya know, girl stuff." Sammy muttered, not looking at Ari and focusing on the path in front of them. "Sammy." Ari warned, as he sighed, looking over at Ari. "She's done, this is her last one. I don't blame her." Sammy muttered, climbing up the rocks as I reached down to help the woman and children from the top, lifting them up one by one. "What do you mean she's done?" He asked, looking forward as the little boy I saved, ran up, grabbing my hand. "She's meant to do this, maybe I can talk her out of it." He spoke quickly, starting to pick up his pace before Sammy grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "She's made up her mind Ari, she's done. This is your passion, with no government help, it's getting more expensive to do this, than to not. Sometimes we have to do what's right for us, not for people." Sammy spoke, looking over at me as I looked back at them, a sad smile on my lips.

Ari rushed up to me, helping me lift the remaining villagers up before walking down the path with me. "When were you going to tell me?" He asked, looking over at me as I sighed gently, reaching for his hand. "When I knew for sure I was done." I stated, feeling his fingers lock with mine, sad smiles on both of our lips as the little boy ran over, grabbing Ari's free hand. "I had to be okay with losing our relationship as well knowing you'd never stop." I stated, stopping at the river while the rest of the tribe walked up the trail, giving Ari and I just a few minutes alone. "Did you think of how I would feel?" He asked as I squeezed his hand, nodding. "Of course, hurt and betrayed. Ari I've used the remainder of my funds to do this, I can't anymore." I sighed, placing a hand on his cheek as he nodded. "Reconsider please." He begged as I shook my head. "No. I'm sorry."

I lifted the little girl on my back, as Ari and Sammy did the same with the other two children, grabbing onto Ari's hand, a chain being formed as he lead us across the dangerous river, struggling for all of us to keep our heads above the water. "Ari take her." I yelled, my head dipping below the water as he grabbed the little girl, lifting her onto his back with the others, trying to pull me up, a current pulling me under more. "Addi no!" He yelled, looking at Sammy who frantically handed the little boy to another man, diving under the water to find me. Sammy grabbed my hand and drug me to the shore, laying me on my back as I coughed, looking over at Ari who ran over, leaning over me, and placing his hand on my cheek. "I'm alright Ari." I whispered, coughing up some more water before sitting up, his hand on the back of my head and pulling me to his chest. His chin rested on my head, his eyes closing as he just took in the moment, before helping me up, an arm around my waist as we walked the rest of the way.

We finally reached the Refugee camp after 3 days of walking, Ari rushing over and knocking on the door letting everyone in, sighing as we finally filed all the people in. "Well, we almost had a catastrophic day." Sammy sighed, looking at me as I pulled the flannel around me tighter. "It's not my fault that my foot got caught in a current." I muttered, leaning back against the wall, looking over at Ari who had his head in his hands. "He's pissed at me for leaving isn't he?" I asked, turning back to Sammy who nodded. "I think it's more hurt than anything." Sammy acknowledged before the woman inside the camp was telling us we should get going. "Yep on it." Kabede spoke, helping me up before we all rushed outside to yet another car, pulling off the tarp while Ari got into the car to start it up. "Freeze!" The man yelled, cops appearing in front of us as we all raised our hands, looking at the man. "Arrest them, they're smuggling." The man spoke, all his men approaching us and putting us in the back of the cars. I was separated from all the men, a sigh leaving my lips as I leaned back against the seat.

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