Chapter 4

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"I want everyone here for physical's before we leave Addison." Sammy sighed as we released from our hug, his hands still securely on my hips as I smiled at him. "Of course Sammy, we're the veterans of this trip, we have to be on our best behavior." I teased, tapping his nose with my forefinger before stepping out of his grasps, grabbing my bag. "Don't let him use you." Sammy spoke gently as I smiled over my shoulder at him. "I won't Sammy, please stop trying to be a knight in shining armor. I can handle myself." I stated, walking towards the door, pausing to look over my shoulder one more time. "I'm recruiting Rachel, are you going to be okay with that?" I asked gently, seeing him drop his head at the news, his chest heaving slightly. "I haven't seen her since we broke up." He whispered, while I sent him a small smile. "It'll be okay, I promise." I assured, looking at the clock on the wall. "I gotta go meet Ari and Maya, I can stop by later?" I spoke, it sounded as more of a question than a statement though, Sammy smiling gently as he shook his head. "Go be the stellar step-mom I know you are. I'll be okay." Sammy reassured, a sad smile on his lips as I nodded, stepping out of the office.

"So, I'm taking you're stealing our doctor from us again?" Melinda asked, meeting me halfway down the hall as I walked quickly, a small smile and a little laugh leaving my lips. "I need him, I'm sorry." I spoke, stopping to look at her as she offered a small smile towards me. "Why won't you just admit you have feelings for the man?" Melinda asked as I raised an eyebrow at her, looking away quickly before back at her, a huff leaving my lips. "I don't know what you're talking about." I stated, catching her eye line. "You're so clueless." She teased, rolling her eyes before placing her hand on my arm. "You have feelings for him, you're ignoring it became you're blinded by the life you dream about with Ari. Sammy can give it to you." Melinda spoke, as I shook my head, a shaky breath leaving my lips. "Sammy and I have been friends for years, there's no feelings other than him being like a brother, I love Ari, I always have and I always will." I stated, pushing her hand off my arm, quickly making my way down the hallway, pushing through the door that separated the waiting room from the rest of the clinic.

There's no way I had feeling for Sammy, right? I couldn't. I was in love with Ari, being away from him made me feel physically ill. He was my other half, Sammy was more of the annoying older brother that I had around all the time. He kept my dumb decisions in check, putting me in place when I needed it. Everything around me seemed to be mute as I walked down the street towards the park. My thoughts were consuming me, my stomach in knots as Melinda's words. Did Sammy think there would be something between us? He knew I loved Ari with everything in me, Maya and Ari were my family, Rachel still loved him, I'm making myself overthink for no good reason. My body was on autopilot as I walked towards the park, weaving in and out of people, finally reaching my destination.

"How long will you be gone daddy?" Maya asked, laying her head on Ari's thigh while he sat on the blanket, food spread out for a small picnic, his hand on the back of her head while he played with her hair gently. "Right now, we're looking like three months peaches." Ari sighed, feeling Maya squeeze his leg tightly, a sniffle leaving her lips as Ari gave the information. "I wish you didn't have to go for so long all the time." Maya whispered, hot tears forming in her eyes as Ari closed his, his heart breaking as his daughter started to cry on his leg, his jeans having a dark blue spot on them from where Maya had started crying. "Me too peaches. Me too." Ari whispered, hunching over to press a soft kiss to her head. "Addi!" Maya yelled, scrambling up quickly, rushing across the green grass, tears running down her face as I kneeled down, opening my arms for her.

She collided into me, her body hitting me with such force that I fell back slightly, my right arm locked around her waist, my left hitting the grass to stabilize myself as she wrapped her arms around my neck, sobbing into my shoulder. Once my knees hit the grass, I placed my left hand on the back of her head, holding her to me as she cried. "Hey, hey, you're a big girl." I whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Big girls, tell their friends what's wrong. What's got you crying peaches?" I asked gently, leaning back so I could take in her face, wiping her tears away, a small smile on her face as she placed her hands on my face, her thumbs on the corners of my mouth, pulling my lips into a thin smile. "Daddy told me how long you're going to be gone." She whispered as I pulled her hands away from my face, pressing my forehead to hers gently. "We'll be back before you know it." I smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her nose before standing up and taking her hand, leading her back to the blanket.

"Hey cupcake." Ari smiled, tilting his head back as I approached behind him, Maya letting go of my hand to run and play on the playground. "Hi baby." I smiled, kneeling down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I love watching you with her, you're such a good step mom." Ari smiled, settling into my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair, a sigh of appreciation leaving his lips. "i'm just being what I wish I had." I smiled, looking over at Maya who was playing with a group of kids. "Yeah? Well one day maybe we can give Maya a little sibling." Ari teased, leaning back to press a kiss to my stomach, a little chuckle leaving my lips. "We've got a lot of work to do before we even consider that Levinson." I teased, feeling his body rumble with the laugh that left his lips.

"How'd meeting Sammy go?" Ari asked, sitting up to face me, pulling me into his lap as I straddled his legs, my arms around his neck. "Good, I got him to agree, he wants the whole team in for physical's before we leave." I spoke gently, my eyes staying locked on Ari's as his hands slipped into my back pockets, holding my body to his tightly. "I think that can be arranged." He chuckled, leaning forward to capture my lips in a passionate kiss, a smile forming on both our lips as we expressed our love to each other through a single kiss. And right there, I knew I didn't have feelings for Sammy, my whole world was Ari Levinson. We pulled away slowly, and time seemed to stop as he looked into my eyes, a smile on his lips as he pulled one hand from my back pocket, moving it to cup my cheek as he traced my cheekbone gently. "Daddy! Addi!" Maya giggled, bringing a group of kids over as we both turned to look at her. "What is it Peaches?" Ari asked gently, smiling at his daughter.

"They want to see some of Addi's combat moves so we can play spies!" Maya giggled as I smiled, shaking my head with a laugh. "I don't do combat peaches." I laughed, as she grabbed my hand, pulling me up from Ari's lap, a groan leaving his lips as I was drug to the center of all the kids. "Daddy told me you can do flips and lift yourself into small places, please Addi! Show us!" Maya whined as I sighed, looking down at my feet. "Okay okay." I smiled, walking with them to the middle of the field, the other parents coming to join Ari in the area watching over us. "You got a pretty great wife." One of the mothers commented, causing Ari to look over at her. "Yeah, I do." He smiled, leaning back on his palms, watching as I taught the kids some of the easy flips.

"Maya, you have the coolest step mom ever!" One of the little boys smiled as Maya nodded, looking over at him. "Yeah I do." She giggled, running up to me as I lifted her in the air, placing her on my hip, turning to smile at Ari. We were family, til the end of time.

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