Chapter 26

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The next morning Rachel and I were sitting in Madibo's office, his eyes locked on us as we explained what happened. "How many times has the colonel stopped by the resort?" Madibo asked, raising an eyebrow while Rachel looked at her lap. "This would be the 4th time sir." Rachel replied while I looked over at him. "Madibo, with all due respect to your military it's scaring off tourism, and it's it's starting to affect the numbers, which will affect our payments to you." I stated, seeing his face falter. "We cannot have that Mrs. Thomas, where is your husband now?" He asked, tilting his head as I shrugged. "I was hoping you could help with that." I smiled gently, my eyes glossing over while Rachel smiled at me. "I'll be right back." Madibo spoke, his chair screeching against the wooden floor as he pushed it out, exiting the room quickly.

"I'm impressed." Rachel chuckled, watching me blink away the tears as I laughed quietly. "Mom taught me it. That talent got me out of a lot of trouble as a kid." I smiled, seeing her shake her head. "You turned it on so effortlessly, I can see how it helped." She smiled, handing me a tissue to wipe away the few tears that had managed to slip down my cheeks. I dabbed the tissue against my cheeks before tossing it into the bin, as soon as the door opened. "Angela, Aly." Madibo spoke, both of us turning in our seat to look at him. "We have located Guy and Liam, if you will follow us out we can escort you to the prison." Madibo spoke, smiling softly while Rachel and I raised to our feet, following the man down the halls.

When we got to the prison, Madibo went to speak to the officers, leaving us alone in the dilapidated waiting room. A buzzer sounded, heavy boots echoing down the hall as Rachel and I joined Madibo at his sides, both of us freezing as we saw Sammy and Ari approach, blood covering their faces while bruises littered their bodies. "Did the guards treat you badly? I'm going to have them-" Madibo spoke, looking around the building before Ari stuck his hands out stopping him from talking. "No, we did this to each other." He explained as I rolled my eyes, Rachel mimicking my actions. "Thank you." I stated, turning to Madibo as he pulled both Rachel and I into a hug. "If anything else happens, let me know." He smiled sending us on our way. Rachel and I walking out as Sammy and Ari followed behind, their heads low as if they were small children being punished.

"Cupcake, I-" Ari started, freezing as I turned to him. "Get in the backseat, I don't want to look at you right now." I snapped, seeing him nod as he climbed in the backseat, Sammy sliding in beside hime while Rachel got into the passenger seat. "Children the both of you." She muttered, slamming the door as I started the drive back to the resort. "Cupcake, just let me explain!" Ari bargained, reaching forward to place his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently. "Fine Ari, explain." I stated, my eyes focused on the road in front of you. "He brought up you, how I never think of you, which you know is the biggest lie, and that he doesn't understand why you were in love with me, then he swung first." Ari sighed, pressing his head into the back of my seat while Rachel turned to look at Sammy. "Is that true?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Yes." He replied, dropping his head.

"Sammy, Addi is a grown woman who doesn't need you protecting her." Rachel snapped, feeling Sammy reach out for her hand, his arm resting on her shoulder while she linked her fingers with his. "I'm 100% capable of making my own decisions, and as far as I'm concerned neither of you have really thought about our safety, Jake and Max have saved our asses multiple times." I stated, while Rachel nodded. "And punching never solves anything." I stated, pulling up to the hotel to see Ethan's car, and him leaning against the wall, a soft sigh leaving my lips. "Well this isn't good." Sammy stated, while I nodded, looking back at Ari. "He's going to pull the mission, find Kabede, we're gonna do this next mission a little differently." Ari stated, seeing all of us nod.

"Agent Ashley, Agent Levinson!" Ethan spoke, while Ari and I walked up to him, our fingers locked together. "Ethan, what a lovely surprise, what can we do for you?" I asked, a sickly sweet smile on my lips as Ari slung his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into his side. "Another arrest Ari? We're gonna have to pull this mission." Ethan stated while Ari rolled his eyes. "We've been so successful, you're really going to pull it?" Ari asked, while Ethan nodded. "I'm giving you guys a week to get your stuff together and abandon the resort, I'll see you guys back home." Ethan spoke, before walking past the two of us, a sigh leaving our lips. Ari pulled me to him, pressing his lips to my forehead. "I'm sorry cupcake, I was so stupid." He murmured against my skin while I shook my head. "We're not done."

"Ari, we found him!" Sammy said while Ari nodded, pulling back from me. "Load up, we're gonna go talk to him, and hey cupcake?" Ari asked, seeing me look up at him. "Yeah?" I asked, watching him reach into his pocket, pulling out a new ring. "I bought the replacement, wear it please? For good luck." He whispered, seeing me pull off the fake ring, sticking my hand out for him. "I love you." He murmured, putting the ring on my finger before his palms pressed against my cheeks, a soft kiss being pressed to my lips. "I love you too, go check on him please." I whispered, seeing him nod before rushing off to the jeep, the men loading up and taking off quickly. "Can I see it?" Rachel asked, taking my hand to look over the new ring. "It's beautiful, you're lucky." She smiled while I laughed. "That I am."

After an hour long ride, they finally reached the refugee camp, seeing the remnants of a massacre, the air heavy as they stepped out of the car, starting to look around for Kabede. "Sammy!" Max yelled, quickly rushing over to help Kabede, steadying him against the wall until Sammy and Ari appeared, Sammy sitting down in front of him to do a quick assessment. "What happened?" Ari asked, his hand on Kabede's shoulder to move him the way that Sammy needed him to relieve pressure on his wound. "They came in, just started shooting, people were protecting me so I can lead them out of here." Kabede gasped out, seeing Ari sigh gently. "They pulled the mission Kabede, I'm sorry. But we need to get you to Jerusalem." Ari explained, stumbling back when Kabede shoved him away. "This isn't a mission for me, this is my life's mission, my purpose, I will lead my people to Jerusalem, with or without your help." He stated, waving all the men away.

"We can't just leave him here." Sammy stated, leaning against the car while Ari paced around and Max lit a cigarette. "I know someone who could help." Ari stated, seeing Sammy snap his head up. "Look if we do this, it's not necessarily legal, I need to know that you're completely in." Ari stated, seeing both men contemplate. "I'm in." Max shrugged, flicking the cigarette butt as the ashes dropped to the ground. "Sammy, I need you, but if you don't want to I understand and I'll back you going home, I promise." Ari whispered, placing his hands on Sammy's shoulders seeing him sigh, dropping his head.

"I'm in." 

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