Chapter 17

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The next morning, everyone was up before Ari, doing our daily chores, walking around like zombies after the lack of sleep we had. I was laying in the blazing sun, a black bikini covering my body while my eyes were closed, a sudden shadow covering me making me pout. "We brought coffee!" Jake cheered, my eyes opening to see him, Sammy, and Max standing above me. "Thanks." I laughed, reaching up for the cup, settling into the lounger creating room for the three men to sit. "So, something tells me you guys are worried about something, so, spill." I stated, taking a sip of the bitter coffee, trying to put a face on that I enjoyed it. "We're worried about the road block that we plowed through last night." Sammy sighed, while I nodded slowly. "Okay? Why are you worried?"

"What if they find out what this is a front for? They shot at us what if they come check the trucks and there's bullet holes." Jake spoke quickly, watching me set the coffee on the table beside me, running my hand through my hair. "Calm down, what if we go check the trucks, would that make you all feel better?" I asked, watching all the men nod. "Yeah I think it would help a lot." Max sighed, a breath of relief leaving his lips as I grabbed the white button up from behind the lounger, pulling it around my shoulders. "Why didn't you guys talk to Ari about this last night?" I asked, trudging thought the hot sand, with the three men following me closely. "He freaks out too fast, or acts like it's no big deal, that's why we come to you." Jake explained, stopping as we got to the sides of the trucks. "Want to know a secret?" I asked, turning to face the three men as they nodded. "He does that because he gets nervous too, but doesn't want to show you guys that." I smiled.

I hopped in the back of the truck, examining it for any bullet holes before jumping down and going to the other, examining it as well. "Well either you guys are making all this up or the military men have terrible aim." I laughed, taking Jake's hand as he helped me down, shutting the double wooden doors behind me. "I think we just got lucky, who know's what it's going to be like next time." Sammy sighed, rubbing his face. "Sammy, it's going to be fine, we're all professionals. I'll talk to Ari about taking it easy, and not plowing through road blocks alright?" I compromised, seeing a small smile form on my best friends lips. "You really are the better half of Ari." Samy chuckled.

"Now, I remember correctly, you lost a bet and need to go do laundry, I'm front desk, Jake you have a diving lesson to get ready for, and max don't you have aerobics to teach?" I asked, seeing all of the men groan. "Why do we do all the work and Ari gets to sleep in?" Jake groaned, stomping off while the rest of us followed him. The sun was beating down in the desert, the heat being unbearable inside the resort as we all walked in, seeing Rachel laying on the desk with a small hand fan pointed at her. "Rach?" I asked, a small laugh leaving my lips as she propped her head up. "Do you want to go diving with Jake?" I asked, seeing her nod. "Oh god yes please, but who's going to watch the front desk?" She asked, leaning back against the wall as she pressed herself up from the cool wood. "I got it, go get ready." I smiled, watching as everyone parted into different directions to go get ready.

I walked behind the desk, leaning against the wall and seeing a stack of mail in the corner, one addressed to Ari and I from Maya. I grabbed the envelope, using a letter opener to slice the top and pulling out the papers. A smile formed on my lips as I opened up the first paper, running my fingers over the crayon that showed a drawing of me and Ari, Maya in the middle holding onto our hands, a giant ring placed on my finger in the drawing causing me to laugh. "Oh sweetheart if only you knew." I smiled, setting the drawing in the middle of the desk. "Good morning cupcake." Ari's gruff voice echoed from behind me, a smile gracing my lips as I turned to see the shirtless man. "Good morning love." I replied, leaning up to press a small kiss to his lips. "Whatcha got there?" He asked, pressing his chest against my back as I turned towards the desk, laying the papers out. "A letter from Maya." I replied, feeling his head on my shoulder as we started to read the paper.

Hi daddy and Addi!

It was daddy daughter day at school last week, and I had mom and her new boyfriend come. I know you guys are out there being superhero's but I miss you guys. Mommy says that daddy thinks about me all the time, but I think about you guys more. The months are going by fast, I got my first A on a math test, daddy you would be so proud of me! Addi I got a 7 minute mile in P.E. I pretended to be you running through the villages to save children! I hope to see you guys soon.

I love you,


"I didn't know daddy daughter day was this soon." Ari choked out, ducking his head into my neck as I let out a sigh, placing my hand on the back of his head. "Ari." I whispered, feeling his hot tears run down the back of my shoulder. "I'm an awful father." He whispered against my skin, my heart breaking at the sound of his voice. "You're not an awful father, I promise. This job is tough, we miss a lot of big days. After this we'll go on a vacation with Maya." I promised, feeling him nod against my back. "Why don't you go join Jake's diving class? Take a break." I told him, turning around to press my lips to his forehead gently, before sending him off.

Hours passed, the diving class going on without a hitch while the employees and I sat in the coolness of the hotel. Loud rumbling was being heard from outside, most of us paying no mind to it before it stopped outside the hotel. "Mrs. Thomas? The military is here?" The man spoke quietly, looking at me. "Take the women to their rooms, keep them there." I commanded, watching as everyone quickly scrambled out, leaving me alone in the room. A group of military men walked in, stopping at the front desk staring at me. "Hi, welcome to the Red Sea Diving Resort, how can I help you?" I asked, plastering a smile on my lips.

"My name is Colonel Abdel Ahmed, there was an incident that occurred nearby last night and I would like to speak to the owner." The man spoke, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Well I am an owner, my husband is currently out, is there anything I can do to help you Colonel Ahmed?" I asked, stepping around the check in counter to be in front of him, a sharp gasp leaving my lips as he pointed his gun at me. "We would like to speak to your husband." Abdel spoke harshly, watching as I nodded, reaching for the radio. "This is Aly, is Liam or Guy available?" I asked, feeling the men spin me so my back was against the barrel, leading them outside. "This is Liam, what's going on?" Sammy asked, freezing when he saw us at the edge of the water, panic evident on my face. "I need Guy." I replied into the walkie, dropping it to the ground.

Sammy frantically tugged on Ari's line, watching as he bobbed his head up. "Yeah?" Ari asked, wiping his eyes, before Sammy pointed towards the beach. "Get the team up, we gotta move." Ari spoke, climbing into the boat and tugging on the lines, watching as people bobbed up one by one climbing in.

"We gotta go help Aly." 

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