Chapter 15

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4 hours until operation brothers night 1

I was sat on the check in desk, Rachel wiping down the counter behind the ledge while we both looked out at the group of men on the water, discussing their night one last time. "Kind of a shame we're locked up inside." Rachel chuckled, throwing the dusty rag at me while I laughed, coughing as the dust filled my lungs. "I've had my fair share of nighttime adventure in Sudan." I smiled, looking over at her. "Aw, I thought the princess of the Mossad would want to be in more adventure." She teased, while I turned my attention back to Ari on the small boat. "I have enough adventure just dating him." I laughed, her hand on my shoulder. "Engaged." She raised her eyebrow while I nodded. "Being engaged to him." I corrected, seeing her eyes lock on Sammy. "You two back together?" I asked, seeing her nod proudly. "Yeah, and I couldn't be happier."

Sammy, Ari, Max and Jake were all sitting on the boat, talking about their last minute mission prep. "We have to be subtle, no attention can be drawn to us." Ari spoke as the three nodded. "Uh Ari." Sammy spoke, turning to see the bus headed towards the resort, his eyes blown wide. "Get to the girls." He stated quickly, sliding into the drivers seat before shoving the accelerator down, heading for the beach. "Are you expecting anyone?" Jake asked, climbing out quickly when the boat hit the water, the four men rushing up the beach to the hotel. "No, Max, take the speargun and get on the roof." Ari commanded, seeing Max nod, gripping the speargun and climbing the ladder to get onto the roof.

Rachel and I joined the men in front of the resort, my eyebrow raised as I took Ari's hand, his force pulling me into his side protectively causing me to stumble over my feet. "Ari, what's going on?" I asked, seeing the bus pull around, dust flying up and surrounding us. My head dove into Ari's chest, coughing as the dirt filled our lungs, his hand on the back of my head to try and keep me to him until the dust cloud settled. "You guys don't make it easy to get out here." The man said, climbing out with a laugh. I noted a distinct German accent, pulling my head out of Ari's chest who was just staring at the man. "Can I help you?" Ari asked, tilting his head. "Ist das nicht das Red Sea Diving Resort?" The man asked, looking at the group of us. "Ja, so ist es." I replied, seeing the man perk up, Ari looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"So we're at the right place! Come on everyone!" The man spoke, ushering people out before I stepped up to him. "We're under construction though, we have months before we're fully operational." I told him, seeing his face fall. "So we just traveled, for 2 days, a long flight, and 4 hours across the desert and we can't even stay here?" The man asked, crossing his arms as I turned to look at Ari, who shook his head stepping up. "Welcome to the Red Sea Diving Resort, please wait on the beach, we'll have the employee's set up rooms and we'll get you all settled in." Ari said calmly, taking my hand and pulling me inside, the rest of the group following us while I nodded towards the employee's to start bringing the tables down and setting the linens on the beds, all of us ducking into the room behind the check in area.

"This is a disaster." Jake mumbled, while I leaned against the wall, Ari nervously pacing around. "What are we supposed to do?" Sammy asked, crossing his arms. I chewed nervously on the inside of my cheek, looking over my shoulder at the group of people sitting in the sand, before I glanced back at Rachel who gave me the nod I was looking for. "We check them in." Ari stated, turning towards Rachel and I. "Yes let's check in a whole bunch of Germans, while we sneak Ethiopians through the resort at night, because that won't draw attention." Sammy muttered out, annoyance rolling off his tongue. "Sammy it's more suspicious if we claim we're opening a hotel but we don't actually have any proof that we're a running hotel." Rachel spoke, seeing the mans face soften. "We just have to be careful, the workers can't even know what we're doing. If they turn us in we're toast, at least this way it keeps them busy, and they won't ask questions." I added, seeing Ari walk over to me, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. "Thank you." He whispered, while I nodded. "Let's start checking them in." I smiled, ruffling his hair.

3 hours later, Rachel and I finally sat on the chairs that overlooked the ocean, dismissing the workers for the evening. "I can't believe we're running a hotel." She mumbled, laying her head on my shoulder while I laughed, seeing the trucks take off into the distance. "Me either, let's get those radios set up, our night isn't over yet." I teased, standing up with her as she laughed, grabbing two wine glasses. "A little wine didn't hurt anyone while we wait." She teased, walking into her room as I followed, pouring the wine before we got to work setting up the radios. "Yacht 1 to bases, can you repeat?" Sammy's voice popped through, a smile on mine and Rachels lips as we sat on the edge of the bed. "Base 3 to Yacht 1, we hear you loud and clear."

The trucks finally pulled up to a secluded section of rocks, a clearing that was completely covered from sight. "So we're only 2 hours later. What if they're not here anymore." Jake spoke, leaning against the warm hood of the car. "They'll be here." Sammy replied looking at Ari who was pacing quickly back and forth in front of the two vehicles. "What's wrong with you?" Sammy asked, watching the man chew nervously on the skin of his thumb. "I've just got a lot on my mind." Ari muttered, looking up at the rocks before continuing his pacing. "Like?" Max asked, placing his hands on Ari's shoulders so the man would stay still. "I asked Addi to marry me, she said yes, now I'm worried I won't give her the life she deserves because this is what I love to do. What if she leaves me like Brit did?" Ari mumbled, while Sammy shook his head. "Ari, Addi loves you for what you do and who you are. She's not going to leave you because of this." Sammy reassured, pausing his speech as Kabede's whistle came through, Ari repeating it.

Before their eyes, over one hundred Ethiopians appeared, climbing down the rocks as the men rushed to open up the back of their trucks. "How many?" Ari asked, starting to help load people into the trucks. "174." Kabede replied, setting the young child in his mothers lap, a smile on Ari's lips as he recognized the kid. "Hey squirt, the lady who helped you is going to help you get to Jerusalem, you excited champ?" Ari asked, seeing the young boy nod, a smile appearing on his frightened face. "Yeah, alright. Let's get you there." Ari stated, shutting the wooden door, heading to the drivers seat. "I will gather more, the next darkest day of the month is in another 2 weeks." Kabede explained as the group nodded. "Great, see you then." Ari replied, shutting the drivers door, while Sammy clicked onto the radio. "Yacht 1 to bases, we have secured the package, Aly get into position, ETA 35 minutes." Sammy stated, hanging the radio up as they started to head back towards the hotel.

What a night it was about to become.

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