Chapter 7

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Navon Clinic

It was after hours, the clinic was empty as Sammy started doing examinations on us, one by one, my head resting securely in Ari's lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. My eyes were closed, completely exhausted from my days of travel while everyone around me conversed quietly, trying to allow me just a moment of rest before a stressful three months. "So, when did this happen?" Max asked quietly, gesturing to Ari and I as a soft chuckle left Ari's lips. "About a year and a half ago. We were in Ethiopia, doing our mission, Brittney and I divorced, and I just fell head over heels for her." Ari whispered, moving some hair out of my face, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to my forehead, before pulling back. "Maya adores her, and so do I." Ari chuckled, his hand resting on my thigh as Rachel appeared out of the room, sitting down. "Addi, you're up." Sammy stated, while I groaned, slowly sitting up. "Hers might take a moment longer, she's the only one qualified to do mine so we're gonna tackle them both." Sammy explained while I walked past him, into the room as everyone nodded.

I sat down on the bed in the room, looking at Sammy as he shut the door, setting his stuff down, starting to check my vitals. The tension in the room was high, awkward glances being shared as he checked my lungs. "I see Ari had you do the hard work." Sammy stated, breaking the silent tension, while I shook my head looking at him. "Getting you to work with us, yeah insanely difficult." I mumbled, facing forward before Sammy stood in front of me, crossing his arms. "I still don't like that you two are together." He stated, handing me the objects before switching spots with me. "And I don't like that you think you can put your two sense in my relationship, so I guess we're both unhappy with the outcome." I stated, wrapping the blood pressure monitor around him, squeezing the ball at the end to tighten it, reading the monitor and recording the results. "I'm just trying to look out for you." Sammy mumbled, freezing as I dropped the pen on the clipboard, turning back to him. "No, you're trying to meddle, what the hell was that at the coffee shop huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about.." Sammy spoke in a low voice, careful to not start a screaming match. He knew of how much of a hot head I was, and I did my best to control it. "Oh for God's sake Sammy, you know exactly what you were doing!" I yelled, seeing him rip off the monitor walking towards me. "Yeah, well have you ever thought of my feelings? Or are you just so wrapped up in your own!" He yelled back, causing me to flinch. "I only asked you to come because Ari asked me to." I snapped, throwing the clipboard at you. "Oh I know because he has you wrapped around his finger! You'd take a bullet for him because you're just that fucking naive!" Sammy yelled, pinning me against the counter in the exam room, while I searched his face. "Once upon a time Sammy, I would've done the same for you." I stated, pushing him back, his back colliding with the cart in the room as I walked towards the door. "He broke your heart!" Sammy yelled as I opened the door, stopping to look back at him. "The only one breaking my heart now is you. I would've died for you Sammy, I have put my life on the line for you! Did you know when we were arrested they gave me the option of being attacked or putting you three in the gallows? Yeah I bet none of you did. Come or don't come on this mission, I don't give a fuck anymore." I stated, slamming the door and walking down the hallway.

Everyone in the waiting room was silent when I walked in, my breathing stuttered as I saw Rachel and Ari looking at me, both their eyes showed sadness before I just grabbed my stuff from behind the counter, brushing past the group and out the door. Sammy quickly raced down the hallway, trying to catch up to me. "Don't." Rachel said standing up as both Ari and Sammy walked towards the door. "Rach, she's my best friend." Sammy spoke quickly, before Ari shoved him back. "And she's my girlfriend." Ari added, stepping aside as Rachel walked out the door before turning back to them. "And I highly suspect you two are the last two people on the planet that she wants to see, so I'm going to go talk to her. And Sammy, you used to be her best friend, but we all just heard your argument, I'd be surprised if she considered you a friend at this point." Rachel spoke quickly, before rushing down the street to find me.

"Ari, I-" Sammy stuttered, following the man in, while Max and Jake looked on awkwardly. "Save it Sammy, I need you on this mission, that's the only reason I haven't decided to punch you. Stay out of my relationship." Ari spoke, sitting back down as the four of them just patiently waited for Rachel to call and say she found me. I was sitting outside the Mossad, my knees pressed against my chest, while my chin rested on my knee caps. "Hey." Rachel smiled softly, sitting down next to me, rubbing my back gently, before pulling me into her side as soft sniffles left my nose. "Hey, hey." She whispered, pressing her cheek to my head. "I'm just tired of arguing with him." I whispered, feeling her nod gently, rubbing my back. "Why don't you stay with me, Ari can pack your bags, and we'll meet them in the morning." She smiled, while I pulled my head up looking at her. "Yeah, that sounds nice." I replied, following her to the hotel.

Everyone sat eagerly in the clinics waiting room, waiting for the phone to ring. When it finally did, Max ran over, picking up the phone and holding it to his ear. "Did you find her?" Max asked, looking over at Ari who had hopeful eyes. "Yeah, she's asleep. She was outside the Mossad, tell Ari I'll bring her to the headquarters in the morning and pack her bags." Rachel spoke, hanging up the phone before climbing into the bed next to me, falling asleep. "She has her, she'll bring her for the meeting in the morning." Max explained, stopping in front of Sammy. "Let's make one thing clear, the only one who doesn't see Addi and Ari's genuine love for each other and their job, is you Sammy. We need both of you on this mission, so learn to shut your fucking mouth." Max stated, as the three men left, heading to mine and Ari's apartment.

Mossad Headquarters, day of departure

Rachel and I walked in, being greeted by Ethan at the door, both of our breath catching in our throats. "Morning Ethan." I said, following him down the hall with Rachel, her hand tightly in mine as we stopped outside the glass office, all the guys on us. "Let's make a few things very clear, you two are not allowed out at night off hotel property, you are not to go on driving missions, you are not to travel alone without one of the men accompanying you unless it is daylight. Should you two disobey these orders-" Ethan spoke, stepping towards both of us, his face right in front of ours. "You will be promptly stripped of your titles, and will no longer work for the Mossad. You will be declared refugees in Jerusalem and the government will decide what to do with you. Understood." Ethan snapped at both of us, watching in amusement as our bodies jolted with the harshness of his words. "I said, do you understand me!" He yelled, while we both nodded. "Yes sir, loud and clear sir." Rachel and I both said, keeping our heads low as we walked in, sitting in our designated seats.

"Alright," Ari said, looking at me as I nodded, taking my passport. "Name." Ari stated, looking from me to Ethan who I had my eyes locked on. "Aly Thomas." I mumbled, seeing Ethan nod at me to sit up straighter, which I promptly followed. "Martial Status." Ari spoke, breaking my eye contact from Ethan when he stood in front of me. "Married." I stated, as Ari nodded. "See how she didn't stutter. Take time to learn your information on the flight." Ari explained as everyone got up, except for Rachel and I. "Come on girls." Ari spoke before Ethan stopped him. "They have a few extra questions." Ethan said as Ari shook his head. "Whatever you have to ask, you had the time to ask when you were yelling at them in hallway. Now, we have to go." Ari stated, sticking his hand out for me as I quickly took it, standing up and walking out with him, Rachel right behind me.

"Girls, this isn't going to be easy." Ari said as we approached the airport, waiting at the gate to take off. "It never is." Rachel said, looking back at Sammy who had his head low. "Addi." She whispered as I looked back, seeing him. "I'll be back." I whispered, breaking away from Ari. "Liam." I smiled gently at him, seeing him look up. "Aly." He replied, looking over at Max and Jake before back at me. "Let's not make this awkwarder than it has to be. We're on the same side, even if you don't think we are." I whispered, seeing him nod. "I'm sorry." He whispered, looking up at me as I offered a small smile. "Me too. Friends?" I asked, sticking my hand out. "Friends." He replied, shaking my hand. "I need you to do something for me." I whispered as he nodded. "If it comes down to a situation that either Guy or I, are having to risk our lives. You get him home to Maya." I whispered, seeing him nod sadly. "I don't know if I can do that." He replied, looking over my shoulder to where Ari and Rachel were. "She needs her dad." I said softly, turning his head to look at me. "And I need you." He said sadly, leaning into my touch. "Please Sammy." I whispered, running my thumb over his cheek bone.

"I promise."  

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