Chapter 19

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"Sammy is going to stay with you while we go on our mission bug." My father smiled, sitting down across from me, squeezing my knee gently. "They're sending you guys on another one?" I asked gently, my voice breaking as I looked up at my parents, tears forming in my eyes. "They need our help bug, one day it'll be you that gets to help them." My mother spoke softly, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Plus you love Sammy, you guys are staying in the basement for your safety while we're all gone, we'll be back before you know it." My father promised. Little did I know that was the last time I've ever saw them again, Sammy's parents as well.

2 weeks later

"Sammy, it's been two weeks, they were supposed to be back a week ago." I sighed, hopping up on the bed he was laying on, my head taking it's place on his stomach while he read his book. "Munchkin," Sammy sighed, laying his book across his chest, one hand running through my hair. "Our parents are the best Mossad agents out there, they're going to be fine." Sammy reassured, sending a soft smile towards me, trying to provide some sort of comfort. "I don't know Sammy, I have a bad feeling. Mom writes at least once by now. Especially because last week was my 17th." I sighed, rolling to press my face into his stomach. "Did I not make it special enough for you?" He teased, picking his book back up, starting to read. "Oh shut up." I laughed, both of us sitting up quickly when there was a knock on the door. "Sammy, no one know's how to get here." I whispered, taking his hand as we quietly approached the door. "Stay behind me." Sammy commanded, his free hand on the door knob while I stood behind him, my fingers laced tightly with his.

The door opened, exposing Barak and Ethan to the two of us, Sammy keeping me close. "Addison, Sammy. I'm Barak head of the Mossad." Barak explained, watching Sammy and I closely, his hand sticking out while we both shook it. "Hi, can we help you?" Sammy asked, tugging me further into his side when I looked up at him, tears forming as realization set in. "It breaks our heart to tell you this, but both of your parents, are presumed dead, they went missing 2 weeks ago, traces of their belongings have been found." Ethan explained, watching as Sammy pulled me into his chest, one hand on the back of my head while the buried his face in my hair, tears streaming down both our faces. "When you two are ready, you can come collect the items." Barak explained, him and Ethan disappearing into the distance.

End of Flashback

Waves crashed around me as I sat on the sandbank, soaking my body as I absentmindedly stared out into the distance. Sammy approached Ari who was standing in the doorway watching me without disturbing the thoughts I had. "She's been like this for an hour." Ari spoke, keeping his gaze trained forward, Sammy nodding slowly. "Yeah, it's going to be the first time her and I have talked to Barak and Ethan since the incident." Sammy spoke gently, trying to hide his own voice breaking. "The incident?" Ari asked, finally breaking his gaze away from me, turning towards Sammy. "Has she ever mentioned anything about her parents?" Sammy asked, seeing Ari shake his head no. "The week after her 17th birthday, we got a knock on the door, our parents died on a mission the Mossad sent them on. We still have no idea where they are, and we never received any of their belongings." Sammy explained, looking at him. "I had no idea, I'm sorry for your loss." Ari spoke gently, turning back to watching me. "You two leave in a few hours, I'm gonna go check on her." Ari spoke, hearing an agreement from Sammy before he walked away.

My fingers traced the sand, a single tear running down my cheek as the reality of having to face the two men who gave no sympathy when I lost my entire family. "Cupcake?" Ari's voice spoke from behind me, a soft smile plastering on my face at the gentleness of his voice. "Hi baby." I replied, turning towards him when he sat behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling my back against his chest. "I didn't know." He whispered, nuzzling his nose against my jaw, pushing my head aside so he could pepper kisses down my neck. "About?" I asked softly, fluttering my eyes shut as he sucked on my neck gently, his teeth grazing my skin. "Your parents. I'm so sorry cupcake." Ari explained, while I nodded. "It's okay, it was a long time ago." I whispered, laying my head back on his shoulder. "If you want to stay here you can, I could probably convince Rachel to go." Ari whispered, resting his chin on my head. "No babe, it's okay, I can do this. I need to face them after all these years." I smiled gently, lacing my fingers with his. "Tell Maya about our engagement before you come back." Ari smiled, pressing a kiss to the shell of my ear. "I will, I promise."

Hours passed, rushed packing and a small cuddling session with Ari before I left. Sammy and I were loading up the jeep, a deep sigh leaving my lips as we shut the trunk, turning to look at him. "Ready to do this?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side with a laugh. "We've avoided it for years, time to face the music I suppose." I laughed, pressing my forehead against his shoulder. "Yeah, maybe we should go visit their graves while we're there, are we staying at mine or yours and Ari's?" He asked, tilting his head down to look at me, a small smile on my lips as I looked up at him. "What about the townhouse? We haven't been there since you graduated college." I stated, seeing him nod. "Yeah, good plan." He whispered, looking over my head at Ari who smiled at the two of us. "Mind if I steal her for a minute Sammy?" Ari asked, while Sammy let go. "I'll be in the car."

"Be strong cupcake." Ari smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. "I will I promise." I replied, scratching his cheek through his beard, a small smile on his lips. "Maya has a mommy daughter lunch, but Brit is out of town, mind taking her while you're there?" Ari asked, while I nodded, leaning up to press one more kiss to his lips. "I'm gonna miss you." I pouted, his forehead pressing against mine. "I'll miss you more." He whispered, pressing one more kiss to my lips before sending me off, watching as I climbed into the passenger seat looking over at Sammy. "Let's do this."

Ari smiled, looking over at Rachel when she stood next to him, his arm wrapping around her shoulder in a friendly manner, her head resting on his shoulder watching the jeep drive off. "What are we gonna do without her?" Rachel asked, a deep chuckle leaving Ari's chest. "You, are gonna help me find her the perfect engagement ring, and we're throwing a party when they get back. We have one mission without them so let's make it worth it." Ari smiled, while Rachel nodded. "Sounds like a plan boss." 

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