Chapter 21

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Night turned to day quickly, Sammy and I tossing and turning all night before the clock in front of us hit 9 am, causing me to slowly sit up, rubbing my tired eyes. "I'm going to get ready to head back to the city, the keys to mom's car are on the counter if you're not ready to go." Sammy spoke gently, the sound of his zipper alerting me that he was indeed dressed and ready. "Give me a few minutes, think you could drop me off at Maya's school?" I asked, using my elbows to prop myself up, looking at my best friend. "Yeah of course, need me to pick you up later for the meeting with Ethan and Barak?" He asked, while I let out a small nod. "Yeah, if you don't mind. Hopefully Brit's mom doesn't have my head."

Ari was sitting on the beach with Rachel, running his hand through his hair while he looked out at the water. "So, I got three picked out, it's up to you which one you choose." Rachel laughed, setting pictures of engagement rings on his lap. "Thanks Rach." He smiled gently, running his thumb over the pictures slowly. "What on your mind, you're never this quiet." Rachel stated, taking the photos back after he placed the one he wanted on top. "I miss her, life feels odd without her around. I'm worried about her and Sammy being together, what if she realizes he's the one she's wanted, and what if he realizes that she's the one he's wanted as well." Ari spoke quickly, his exasperated tone making Rachel sigh sadly. "Ari, Addi loves you more than life, you know that. She'd never risk the life you two have built for her best friend." She explained, rubbing his shoulder while he nodded. "It's hard not to get into my own head. I haven't loved someone the way I love her in forever. Not even Brit. The idea of losing her makes me physically sick." Ari sighed, looking over at his friend who offered a smile. "You're not going to lose her Ari, I promise. Now we have a mission to prepare for." Rachel smiled, standing up and extending her hand to him, watching him lift himself with it, heading inside.

Sammy pulled up outside of Maya's run down school, a raised eyebrow and a crinkle in his forehead asking me the question without actually asking. "I know, we're going to put her in a private school when we get back, it's too hard because Ari and I make more money thank Brit." I stated, seeing Sammy nod, patting my shoulder. "I'll be back in a few hours, try not to get into a fight." He teased, watching as I shook my head, pushing the door open. "If Barak calls you tell me as soon as I get into this car later." I laughed, stepping out onto the pavement. "I will, I will don't worry." Sammy smiled, waving as I shut the door and walked into the building. Children's laughter filled the air, my eyes looking through the glass doors where I saw Maya, sitting sadly on the grass with her grandmother, playing with her food. "Hi, can I help you?" The secretary asked, pulling my attention away from the sad child. "Hi, I'm Addison Ashley. Ari Levinson's fiancé, he asked me to come for the mother daughter picnic for Maya Levinson." I smiled, stepping up to the desk. The red headed secretary smiled at me, writing my name down on a tag. "She speaks highly of you, she'll be glad to see you."

I nodded at the secretary, pressing the flimsy name tag over my right breast before walking through the glass doors, everyone's eyes on me. "Maya!" One of her friends yelled, pulling the girls eyes up from her food, a bright smile on her lips as I kneeled down, opening my arms for her. "Addi!" She yelled, scrambling up, ignoring her grandmothers protests, rushing into my arms. Her little body pressing to mine as I lifted her up, her arms around my neck while her face buried into the crook, tears falling down her cheeks as she held herself close to me. "I missed you." She whispered, my hand on the back of her head while I descended the stairs towards the picnic blanket, smiling at her grandmother. "I missed you too peaches." I smiled, setting her down as she sat in front of me. "Where's daddy?" She asked, wiping her eyes. "Daddy is still working. I'm back for a few days."

"Typical Ari. Abandoning his daughter as always." Her grandmother spoke, causing Maya to look down sadly, playing with the hem of her dress. "Maw Maw please." Maya begged quietly, looking at me as I offered a small smile. "Maya, go play with your friends yeah? I'll come join in a minute." I told her, seeing her nod before she stood up, quickly rushing off. "It's true, he's been a terrible father, only worried about those other children in whatever god forsaken country, he doesn't even check in on his own kid." The woman seethed, while I sat back on my heels. "Roberta, no one is saying Ari is perfect, and he's far from it. But he loves Maya with everything in him. You would know that if you saw them interact." I stated, seeing her roll her eyes. "I still will never understand why he left my daughter for you." She seethed, this time giving me the right to roll my eyes. "I love Brit and I'm never going to talk bad about her, she is happy in her new relationship, and I'm happily engaged to Ari, please, just do ruin your granddaughters day because you're spite towards me."

"ENGAGED?" She yelled, causing everyone to turn towards me, a sigh leaving my lips as Maya ran over, throwing her arms around my neck squealing. "You're marrying my daddy?" Maya asked excitedly, while I nodded, pressing my forehead to hers. "I officially get to be your bonus mom kiddo, we'll move out of daddy's yucky apartment, and you'll get your very own room." I smiled, nuzzling her nose with mine as she nodded, hugging me tightly. "Maya do not touch her, this is ridiculous! She's marry your daddy! Your mom and dad should be together!" Roberta yelled, while Maya turned to look at her. "Mommy's happy with Tommy, and I love Addi." Maya pouted, laying her head on my shoulder. "You hate Ari anyway, why is this a problem, now he's out your life for good." I replied, tucking Maya's head into my neck while she closed her eyes, drowning out the conversation. "I hate Ari for cheating on Britney with you!" She yelled, hearing all the parents laugh from around her, proving they're on my side. "You've made a fool of yourself Roberta, I started dating Ari 5 months after their divorce finalized."

Hours passed, the school day was finally over as Maya and I walked outside, her hand tightly in mine while Roberta went to get the car. "Sammy!" She giggled, seeing him leaning against his car, opening his arms for her. "Hey kiddo!" He smiled, lifting her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "Good news munchkin." Sammy whispered, pulling me close to his side while Maya hugged him tightly. "Barak is canceling the meeting, he's approving the motion. We leave tomorrow morning." He whispered while I nodded, taking Maya from him. "I'll see you soon peaches." I smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, walking her over to her maw maw's car after. "When will you and daddy come home?" She asked, her little hand wrapping around the cars backdoor. "Hopefully within a month or two." I told her, hugging her tightly before watching her climb into the car, disappearing into the distance.

I missed this, the familiarity. Home.

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