That's Just A Smaller Agent - Yelena

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The lovely @zoanda had a request so here I am writing this wonderful idea

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The lovely @zoanda had a request so here I am writing this wonderful idea.

Thank you so much for 7,64k reads! Omg that's so much (I know I say this everytime, but I'm just still. Surprised anyone would read this)

Mama - you / reader / (y/n)
Mommy - yelena
(just that you aren't confused who is meant when your daughter calls you)

Enjoy reading, have a good day/night, love ya <3

Your Point of view, enjoy :)

Everything has gone wrong.

We went in there, but there were a lot more agents then expected. So many I didn't even had time to count them, before they were attacking me and the team.

Now we all (natasha, Steve, Tony, Clint, Wanda and Bucky) were very hurt. Bruce stayed home, because he got hurt really badly on a other mission. Now we didn't even had someone to heal us on the quinjet.

We needed to go somewhere really quick. But like the whole world hated us we didn't had enough fuel to go back to the tower. Of course this had to happen!

I played with a thought, that I convinced myself to do something.

We really needed help and some place to Stay, so I made a call.

Yeah I know, but-

Okay, come over.

Wait really?

You wanted to tell. Them
About me and Florence, the
Only. One who stopped you
Was me, so now I give you
Premissjon. Do it.

Thank you, love you.

Love you more.

You know that is not possible


I didn't know what to think about it, I finally had permission to tell them, now I didn't know how, great.

"Guys, there's a safe house just a couple of miles away."

"great, bring us there", Tony said under his breath, since Clint cleaned his wounds right now.

"You sure?", natasha asked. The only one who knew about me being together with yelena.

I nodded and she smiled.


She flew as there and as we landed (just pretend it's like the house from the Bartons) they saw my home for the first time.

"Is this the safe house?" Steve asked only to be sure.

I nodded. "Welcome to my home, team."

They smiled and looked at each other.

I opened the door with my key and walked into the kitchen. Yelena sat on a stool next to Florence, our 3 year old daughter, and drew a picture with her.

As soon as they heared the footsteps, they looked up.

" Mama!", Florence shouted and ran up to me. I hugged her and spin her around in the air, so she giggled.

"That's just a smaller agent.", I heard stark whisper.

"you're finally back home, mommy told me you would come, but I didn't think this early. Did you bring auntie nat?"

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" nat said in a cute voice. Florence giggles and turned around, running up to my sister in law, hugging her.

"You are gay?"
"Is that your wife?"
"You have a child?"

They all asked at the exact same time.

I could see they are confused. Yelena stood up, walking up next to me.

"Yeah, she is. Yes, we're now married for 4 and a half years. Yes she has, let me introduce you to our three year old daughter Florence. And hi Clint!", she answered all the questions before I could.

Wiw she had answered and I didn't even knew the questions two Seconds after theyve said them out loud.

I giggled." That's exactly what I was about to say. "

Natasha hold Florence in her arms and walked up to us. "I'm her godmother, so don't hurt her or I'll. Hurt you."

They nodded. "sorry, but who are you? And..... Are you and agent of some kind?" Tony asked and I could just role my eyes.

Yelena nodded. "Yeah I am an agent. At least something like that. I'm Natashas sister and (y/n) s wife. It's really nice to meet you." i was really impressed of yelena not getting angry or mad, just talking calm.

I could see how uncomfortable they felt, but I really didn't care, not my problem.

" Why didn't I knew your sister was married with my best friend? " Clint asked natasha really loud.

"yeah we would've visited, but we very busy having no idea you existed."

"first she my best friend and-"

"fury helped me set this up with my join." I answered shortly and they nodded.

In the end of the day they finally met yelena, even if I still felt a little uncomfortable with them knowing, everything went away as I cuddled with yelena in the evening.

Because of my job I spend most of my days away from home so we got used to enjoy every second we had together. As Florence came over from her room in the morning to cuddle with us until we had to stand up - I've never felt happier in my life.

This was my little family and I loved it so much, I couldn't even discribe.

(but tbh Tony's comments in this film were just so iconic💅)

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