Engaged? - Natasha Romanoff

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I feel like I'm only writing stuff for Nat. Well but she's my favorite so I'll be writing even more *evil grin*

Okay uhm nat and you are already together in this one!

Hope you like it <3

-hehehheh(*insert Peter 3*)-

It was a beautiful evening in New York and it was about to get even better because you and Natasha were finally coming home from a four months long mission you attended together.

The team knew you both were together, but what they didn't know is that you were going to marry soon.

The elevator opened and natasha and you walked out, being tired and exhausted. Being on a mission is just so different from being at home.

Some of the team members, that didn't have their own mission or meetings to attend to, were waiting in the living area for you two to come home.

Wanda was something like a daughter /friend to both of you so she was nervously walking up and down.

Pietro finally got enough and since he was her brother he allowed himself to say : " gosh Wanda if you don't stop now, I'm going to tie you to this fucking chair!" that the other ones were to scared to say.

Yeah, Wanda, had her powers under control - or at least better than some months ago - but they were still not soooo sure.

His sister wanted to give him a sassy remark - it was practically out of her mouth-but then the door of the elevator opened, revealing you two and some bags full with guns, cloths and other important stuff like files you brought with you.

As Wanda saw you two her eyes grew big and she smiled and ran up to you, hugging both of you at the same time.

"easy, wands", Natasha laughed looking at you, making you smile slightly.

The elevator door was about to close again because you didn't have time to walk out so you quickly pushed all arms away and pressed the button.

Then you laughed along with the others as you were walking up to the couches.

They all greeted you and wanted to know how your mission went so you told them all the boring (and some interesting) details about how you took down that hydra base that lead you right to a secret underground base they were trying to hide.

Hah, they should try harder.

It was really no big deal for you to take them down, but the trust thingy was kinda annoying. They needed to completely trust you before you could steal sensitive info without them suspect you. And that took some time. A loooong time.

But in the end you could spend most of the evenings and nights with natasha so that was a big plus.

Normally Fury didn't send a couple or ex couple together on a mission, being scared it would might ruin it, but you two were his best agents so he had no other choice.

And he kind of saw you as his daughters so he trusted you in not making bad decisions to endanger the mission.

(fury needs to built his lesbian-daughter-squat)


"and scoot something new happened?", you asked the brunette as you were sitting down on one of the couches.

He thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "eh not really, just the usual cap-stark fights and the " You're just 12 minutes older than me, don't tell me what to do"-thingy from Wanda. Oh and I learned some new magic tricks I showed Cassie the other day and she loved it! I could show you them too if you want me too, oh no  you're probably tired, I'm going to show you them tomorrow or so. We all want you to be well rested", he smiled at you.

𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 𝕎𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now