Medbay - Maria Hill

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Hello fellas!

This is inspired by a tiktok I saw early today of a couple so you might know it

Maria is your wife in this <3


You got slightly hurt in the last mission.

Nahhh maybe really hurt.

You were currently laying in the medbay, being looked at from all sides by doctors.

After they had looked over you you were Coupled with a Heartbeat Meter (sorry I don't know the word for this, but you know these things who show how fast your heart is beating, yeah, good because i'm talking about these thingies) and took some medicine.

Let's just say you were not in the right state of mind.

You had no clue what was going on, it was a bit like you were drunk, but you weren't, you were just hurt and a bit dizzy from the operation. Your head was Bruning with a headache, but you couldnt do much about it.

Maria - being the worried wife she is - waited outside with Natasha, who had to hold her hands the whole time, because she was so scared you wouldn't make it.

Of course she trusted the doctors, but not so much and just in case the overlooked something, she wanted to look over your wounds herself again, to make sure you will completely heal.

As she stepped in she took her time to just look at you and she nearly cried.

But she didn't cry - not infront of everyone she, she didn't want to seem weak. She hated it, it was humiliating.

(i don't think you need to be ashamed of crying and in my opinion Maria doesn't care either, just when she herself is about to cry. But remember: crying isn't bad, you are allowed to have a bad day and cry. But you can always told to me, if it makes you feel any better <3)

She looked at your head where a cut showed where the doctors needed to stich the wound up. Your arms had lots of scars and blood on it from the battles or ones you fought before, but Maria couldn't care less.

As long as she would be able to be with you again - everything was fine.

A few days later

You were still not in your best mindset, but all operations were over and you now just needed to rest.

Maria got told to look at the scar on your breath, because it could start to bleed again , so she went to your bed, put your covers down a bit and looked at the bandage. She touched some of it to seek for any reaction in your face.

You were now Conscious, but still not in the right mindset, you were a bit Targeted.

"If my wife knew you were touching me like this, she'd punch you, so I'd stop if I were you.", you mumbled with one of your eyes closed and the other one slightly open.


"My wife doesn't like if somebody other than her touches my boobs and I do neither, so stop with that.", your voice was still quiet and it didn't look like you realized what was going on in this right moment.

"But, baby, I am your wife."

You looked up at her, tried to smile and the machine on the side of your bed  who shows your heartbeat started beeping liek crazy, because it startet beating really fast.

She smiled down at you and kissed your forehead "soon we'll be able to cuddle again, so rest now and the doctors will come and check on you tomorrow."

"will you stay?"

"Of course I'll stay. I'll sit right here.", Maria said and showed you a Grey stool next to your bed. You nodded (or tried to) and cracked a smile.

Maria first wanted to lay in your bed with you, but tzej she noticed how small it was and the doctors told her not to, so she had grabbed a stool and put it down besides you - she wouldn't leave you until you were okay again.

She smirked to herself as she took your hand and started to tell you about her day.

Even in a dizzy state you were still loyal. Destiny made a good choice when they made her fall in love with the other girl.

Because you and Maria were just made for each other like two sides of a memorie game - you needed the pair to play the game, otherwise the game would be incomplete.
And you needed each other to live, otherwise your life would be incomplete.

I know that's short and I'm sorry, but one reason why I don't like winter time is that we write a test like every day, so I am happy I finally could update.

I'm so hyped for Hawkeye tho, that my motivation to go through the week xx

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