Surfing - Wanda

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This is a request from _Salem_Witch_ and I hope I wrote it okay haha. 

Just know that I have no idea how to surf and I've never been surfing so please correct me I'll probably say some stuff wrong 


The team was on a vacation, going to the beach. You loved the beach. 

Before you joined the Avengers team you and your family had lived nearby the beach and you loved to surf since you were little. 

Your parents had taught you and your siblings how to surf early on so it just came easy to you later. 

When you moved to New York for university and then got accepted by the Avengers you didn't really have the time to surf anymore. 

Which you found to be very sad. 

So when you heared you were going on a vacation to the beach you were so happy. 

And excited. 

When you went to the beach you immideately lend a surfboard from pne of the providers. Of course you had your own one, but that was back at home with your parents and it would be really expensive and impractical to go grab it from the other side of the country. 

So you just lend you one. 

After you've surfed for a bit you decided it was time for a snack. 

Wanda, who loved to cook and bake, made some muffins and fruit sticks for the team so you sat down beside her to grab some food. 

Wanda had been your crush for a reaaaaally long time now. And you had no idea how to tell her. 

OR if telling her was a good idea in first place. 

"Thanks", Wanda gave you a strawberry and banana stick as you were talking to Clint. 

"You're pretty good at surfing, (y/n)! Who thaught you?"

"Uh, my parents. Used to live nearby the beach"

"Thats sooo cool!"

"Haha, thank you"

It was silent for some minutes, everyone just enjoying their food and the sun. 

"Can you teach me?", Wanda suddenly asked, looking at you from the side. 

You were trying to form a straight sentence, but that wasn't really working. So you just nodded your head. 

"Aww thank you!"

She hugged you and as she didn't see your face you shot Natasha a worried and panicking look, but she just smiled at you reassuringly. 

"It's going to be fine", she mouthed. 

And you really, really hoped so too. 


"Okay, so one of the most important things is balance. You need to be balanced and focuse on it, okay?"

Wanda nodded. "So before you can surf on the water, you need to first learn it on the sand."

She nodded again. 

"great, so lets start. I'm going to show you how to stand and you are going to do as I show you"

Wanda shot you a smile and you stood up and went onto the surfboard. 

"One food here, the other here and use your arms for balance reasons, bend your knees over a little and keep your head up, looking at where you want to go, not where you used to be."

(Again, everything I know about surfing is from Barbie movies so I am really no profassional and I probably talk rubbish, don't follow these instructions xD)

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